While vaccination is a voluntary and personal choice, we strongly encourage all people living and working in Ontario to consider getting the COVID‑19 vaccine to protect their health and safety. COVID‑19 vaccines are currently available at over 3,150 locations across the province, including more than 2,500 pharmacies and more than 650 mass immunization clinics, hospitals, primary care settings and pop up and mobile clinics. If you still need your first, second or booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, book here.

Learn more about COVID‑19 vaccinations in Ontario and how it will help further protect Ontarians from COVID‑19.

Get your proof of vaccination. An enhanced vaccine certificate with a unique QR code is now available.

Workers who did not have an OHIP card number recorded at the time of vaccination are strongly encouraged to contact their local public health unit to have their OHIP card number recorded. A list of all public health units in Ontario can be found here. The OHIP card number allows access to the provincial patient portal, which allows the worker to download their vaccination receipt.

  • When contacting the local public health unit, individuals who have a green OHIP card should provide the following details:
    • first/last name
    • date of birth
    • time/date/location of dose(s) 1-2 or booster
  • Individuals with a red and white health card, or those who do not have an OHIP card, are required to contact their local public health to have a unique COVID ID number assigned.

The unique COVID ID number — along with the first/last name, and date of birth — is required to contact the provincial Vaccination Call Centre at: 1-833-943-3900. The Vaccination Call Centre will provide a web address for the individual to download a PDF receipt of their vaccination receipt.

Individuals who require a paper copy of their vaccine receipt should contact their local public health unit.

For Individuals vaccinated outside of Canada/Ontario

Individuals who have received a partial or complete COVID‑19 vaccine series outside of Ontario or Canada should contact their local public health unit to have their COVID‑19 immunization record documented in COVaxON prior to receiving any additional doses and for their vaccination receipts.

All vaccine doses administered out of province (regardless of the vaccine product) should be reported, verified and documented by public health units into COVaxON.

For more information for individuals who have been vaccinated outside of Ontario and/or with a vaccine not approved by Health Canada, please refer to the Health Canada’s Recommendations for those vaccinated with vaccines not authorized by Health Canada for those staying in Canada to live, work or study document for details.

Vaccine resources

Resources and videos for farms and farm workers on vaccines available in Canada, as well as what to do after receiving a vaccine, include: