
High quality teaching improves student outcomes and reduces gaps in student achievement. The Teacher Performance Appraisal (TPA) System provides teachers with appraisals that encourage professional learning and growth.

About the Teacher Performance Appraisal (TPA) System

Ontario's TPA System has two components: one for new teachers and the other for experienced teachers.

You are considered a new teacher if you:

  • are certified by the Ontario College of Teachers (including teachers trained out-of-province)
  • have been hired into a permanent position – full-time or part-time – by a school board, school authority or provincial school (“board”) to begin teaching for the first time in Ontario

You will be considered “new” until you complete the New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) or until 24 months have elapsed since the date on which you first began to teach for a board.

You are considered an experienced teacher if you either:

  • completed the New Teacher Induction Program (NTIP)
  • held a permanent position in one of Ontario's publicly funded schools before September 2006, when the NTIP's was implemented
  • are a temporary teacher who is teaching on a Letter of Permission


Read the legislation and regulations and TPA technical requirements manual to learn about the processes, timelines and steps of the appraisal process.

Details about the system and process

Executive summary

Find frequently asked questions about the Teacher Performance Appraisal System and process. The document provides detailed information about the TPA System for new and experienced teachers. This information is for school boards, supervisory officers, principals, vice-principals and teachers.

Forms and templates

School boards may choose to use these sample templates.

Boards modifying any sample template assume responsibility for ensuring that the modified form complies with all relevant legal and policy requirements. The Ministry of Education assumes no responsibility for templates modified by boards.

Boards must not attribute any modified templates to the Ministry of Education or the Government of Ontario.

Mandatory provincial forms 

Sample templates for required processes

Sample templates for optional processes