
Ukrainians coming to Ontario will receive support from:

  • the Canadian government
  • the Ontario government
  • business and community organizations

We are working hard to make sure people arriving have access to programs and services they’ll need to continue their lives in Ontario.

We’ll add more information to this page as the situation changes.

Immigrating from Ukraine

If you wish to come to Canada or have arrived in Canada after fleeing the war in Ukraine contact the Government of Canada for information about:

  • how Ukrainian nationals and their family members can apply for emergency travel, immigrate, or extend their stay in Canada
  • how Canadian citizens and residents can return to Canada or bring family members to Canada

Resources and supports for Ukrainian newcomers

If you are new to Ontario, you can get settlement and orientation services to help you get settled. You can find information about, and get access to:

  • health care, housing and education
  • language training
  • employment supports

Get help with the immigration process

Visit the Government of Canada website to find information on immigration processes, apply for a permanent resident card or Canadian citizenship and find out about how to start your life in Canada.

Find local providers that deliver free federal supports and services to newcomers.

Getting settled in Ontario

Here is a collection of resources to help you get settled in Ontario.

Emergency income supports

Ukrainians in Ontario under the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel are eligible to apply for Emergency Assistance which provides temporary financial support for basic needs and shelter in crisis situations.

If you do not have enough money for things like food, medications and housing, you may qualify for Emergency Assistance.

To apply:

Temporary housing

For information about temporary or emergency housing, contact:

Learn more about emergency and short-term housing options.

Health care

Health insurance coverage

In Ontario, the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) pays for many health services you may need. Ukrainians who have come to Ontario under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) are eligible for coverage under OHIP.

Learn how to apply for OHIP, including what documents are needed, or call ServiceOntario INFOline at 1-866-532-3161 ( TTY: 1-800-387-5559 ). Translation support is available in Ukrainian and Russian.

Health services

Call the Refugee Health Line at 1-866-286-4770 or visit Health811 to get connected to health care professionals and services. Free, secure, and confidential help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with translation support available in Ukrainian and Russian. This service is available to anyone with or without OHIP coverage in place.


In Canada, you need a prescription from a doctor or nurse practitioner (special class of nurse) to get some types of medication at a pharmacy. The Ontario Drug Benefit Program can help with costs for many medications. Find out what drugs are covered.

If you are receiving Emergency Assistance, you and your children will be enrolled in the Ontario Drug Benefit Program.

If you do not qualify for this income support, there are other ways to access the Ontario Drug Benefit Program:

  • Children and youth ages 0–24 years who are enrolled in OHIP may be covered through OHIP+.
  • Adults ages 25–64 years who are enrolled in OHIP can apply to the Trillium Drug Program.
  • Seniors ages 65 years and over who are enrolled in OHIP are automatically enrolled. The Seniors Co-Payment Program can provide further support with costs for seniors with very low income

For information on these programs, please call 416-642-3038 (Toronto area), 1-800-575-5386 (toll-free) 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday for help in English and French.

Assistive devices

If you have a long-term physical disability, you can get help paying for equipment and supplies through the Assistive Devices Program.

Health care resources

This newcomer health care guide is designed to help you navigate Ontario’s health care system. It will help you find health care services from the moment you arrive in Ontario.


Elementary or secondary school students who have been approved to come to or remain in Canada for humanitarian reasons can attend publicly funded schools without paying fees. This includes children who are in Ontario under the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel.

Learn more about enrolling your children in school.

College and university students

International Student Connect provides information online and in-person to support international students in Ontario.

Child care

If you are a parent or guardian interested in accessing child care in Ontario, you can contact a child care operator in your area to get more details.

For eligible families, the cost of licensed child care may be supported through fee subsidy. Contact the child care service system manager in your area for more information about fee subsidy.

Language classes

Find and register for free language classes at the beginner, intermediate or advanced levels:

Employment supports

We are working to provide targeted services to help Ukrainian newcomers connect with employers in the community.

If you need help finding employment in Ontario, or if you are an employer interested in hiring a Ukrainian newcomer, call 1-888-562-4769 to be referred to an agency that can help you.

Employment Ontario

Employment Ontario can help you find work or training. You can make a free appointment to speak with an employment counsellor that can help you:

  • find grants and other services to find work
  • find training to build your skills and start a new career
  • find a job
  • prepare for an interview
  • develop career goals
  • start a job when the time is right

Ontario Job Bank

The Ontario Job Bank is an employment service for people looking for a job and employers looking for workers. If you are looking for a job, you can use the job bank to search for jobs near you.

Employers who wish to support Ukrainians with offers of employment can register on Job Bank’s Jobs for Ukraine webpage.

Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) selects immigration candidates who best meet Ontario’s labour market needs.

Ukrainian applicants who are invited to apply based on established program criteria will benefit from expedited processing. If your application is approved, you will receive a nomination more quickly.

Employment rights

The Occupational Health and Safety Act sets out the rights and duties of workers, employers and all other parties in the workplace, including procedures for dealing with workplace hazards and enforcemen.

The Employment Standards Act sets out the minimum standards for basic conditions of employment in Ontario including, but not limited to:

  • leaves of absence
  • work hours
  • overtime
  • rest periods
  • vacation
  • termination notice
  • pay

The acts help employers understand their obligations to their employees, and help employees know their rights.

Most of the following resources are available in Ukrainian and Russian.

Health and safety

Download the Health & Safety at Work poster that outlines the rights and responsibilities of workers, supervisors and employers under the Occupational Health and Safety Act:

Learn more about the rights and responsibilities of:

Employment standards

Download the Employment Standards in Ontario poster that describes rights and requirements under the Employment Standards Act:

You can also find important information about:

How Ontarians can help

If you want to provide support to the Ukrainian humanitarian efforts, you can make financial or in-kind donations through the: