Some quick facts

  • More than 850,000 workers are employed in Ontario’s health care sector.
  • They work at more than 6,000 hospitals, long-term care homes, retirement homes, community care and other workplaces across the province.
  • Health care ranks second highest for lost time injuries (LTIs) among all sectors in Ontario.
  • Health care ranks fifth highest for LTI rates among all sectors in Ontario.

The LTI rate in the health care sector was 1.27 per 100 workers, in 2015. This ranks above the overall LTI rate in Schedule 1 employers, but is a decrease from the 2014 health care LTI rate of 1.34 per 100 workers.

Table 1 below shows how the number of LTIs, non lost time injuries (NLTIs) and the LTI frequency rate has changed for Ontario’s health care sector from 2011-2015. Over this time, the LTI frequency rate for the health care sector has decreased by 0.24.

Table 1: Ontario health care injury statistics
Statistics 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Total number of LTIs 6,969 7,393 6,725 6,579 6,464
LTI frequency rate 1.51 1.54 1.39 1.34 1.27
Total number of NLTIs 13,293 13,749 14,162 14,694 14,195

Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema and Firm Expense Schema, December 2016 data snapshot for all years, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Ontario’s health care sector is diverse and complex. Table 2 below shows its labour force is generally increasing.

Table 2: Ontario labour force - health care sector
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
747,600 767,100 782,500 807,500 816,300 828,600 855,300

Source: Statistics Canada. Table 282-0008 - Labour force survey estimates (LFS), by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), sex and age group (CANSIM (database) (Accessed: January 31, 2017).

Table 3 below shows how the LTI counts have changed for the most common occupational health and safety hazards in the health care sector from 2011–2015.

Table 3: Health care Schedule 1 allowed LTI counts by PSHSA injury type
PSHSA injury type 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Contact with/struck by object 639 678 670 611 643
Exposures 864 1,260 934 1,061 1,076
Falls 1,216 1,155 1,210 1,259 1,095
Fires and explosions 2 6 2 1 2
Machinery 56 58 63 83 63
Musculoskeletal disorders: client handling 1,330 1,230 1,137 1,142 1,099
Musculoskeletal disorders: other 1,763 1,845 1,595 1,390 1,330
Motor vehicle incidents 121 155 155 147 134
Not classified 164 238 211 141 195
Not coded 2 7 12 8 10
Transportation 12 15 20 13 16
Workplace violence 658 624 638 680 755

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema, rolling June 2012 to 2016 data snapshots, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Table 4 below shows the most common occupational health and safety hazards for the health care sector, demonstrating the percentage of LTIs each of the hazards resulted in.

Table 4: 2015 LTIs by hazard across health care
Hazards Number of LTIs Percentage of total LTIs
Contact with/Struck by object 643 10%
Exposures 1,076 17%
Falls 1,096 17%
Machinery 63 1%
Musculoskeletal disorder: client handling 1,099 17%
Musculoskeletal disorder: other 1,330 21%
Motor vehicle incidents 134 2%
Not classified 195 3%
Other (fires and explosions, not coded, transportation) 29 0%
Workplace violence 755 12%
Total 6,420  

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema, June 2016 data snapshot, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Health and community care services are provided in a variety of complex settings. Seven settings are covered by the MOL Health Care Health and Safety Program:

  • Long-term care homes (homes for nursing care)
  • Retirement homes (homes for residential care)
  • Hospitals
  • Nursing services
  • Supported group living residences and other facilities (group homes)
  • Treatment clinics and specialized services
  • Professional offices and agencies.

Table 5 below shows how the LTI counts have changed for all of the health care settings (rate groups) from 2011-2015.

Table 5: Health care allowed Schedule 1 LTI counts by rate group
Rate group 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Long-term care homes 1,840 2,137 1,844 1,720 1,747
Retirement homes 225 230 216 304 319
Hospitals 2,539 2,524 2,201 2,164 2,049
Nursing services 802 900 897 971 817
Supported group residences and other facilities 631 634 620 549 529
Treatment clinics and specialized services 675 696 703 656 780
Professional offices and agencies 257 272 244 214 223

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema and Firm Experience Schema, December 2016 data snapshot for all years, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA)

Table 6 below shows how the LTI frequency rates have changed for all of the health care settings (rate groups) from 2011-2015.

Table 6: Health care sector: LTI frequency by rate group (2011-2015)
Rate group 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Long-term care homes 2.56 2.85 2.47 2.27 2.24
Retirement homes 1.72 1.65 1.48 2.02 2.01
Hospitals 1.28 1.23 1.07 1.04 0.96
Nursing services 1.88 1.85 1.79 1.85 1.53
Supported group living residences and other facilities 3.44 3.33 3.2 2.92 2.74
Treatment clinics and specialized services 0.97 0.97 0.95 0.86 0.94
Professional offices and agencies 0.55 0.58 0.53 0.47 0.46

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema and Firm Experience Schema, December 2016 data snapshot for all years, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA)

Injury statistics in health care settings

For each setting, common hazards are listed. Select each hazard to go to a hazard description, inspection focus and resources for compliance.

Long-term care homes

Long-term care homes are government funded and regulated by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007. These homes generally offer higher levels of personal care and support (such as 24-hour nursing services or personal support) than offered by retirement homes or supportive housing.

Table 7 below shows how the number of lost time injuries (LTIs), non-lost time injuries (NLTIs) and the LTI frequency rate have changed for long-term care homes from 2011-2015.

Table 7: Long-term care homes injury statistics
Statistics 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Total number of LTIs 1,840 2,137 1,844 1,720 1,747
LTI frequency rate 2.56 2.85 2.47 2.27 2.24
Total number of NLTIs 3,624 3,635 3,678 3,731 3,822

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema and Firm Expense Schema, December 2016 data snapshot for all years, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Common LTI hazards in long-term care homes include, but are not limited to:

Table 8 below show the most common occupational health and safety hazards for long-term care homes in 2015, demonstrating the percentage of LTIs each of the hazards resulted in.

Table 8: LTIs by hazards for long-term care homes, 2015

Hazard Number of LTIs Percentage of total LTIs
Contact with/Struck by object 127 7%
Exposures 540 31%
Falls 198 11%
Machinery 7 0%
Musculoskeletal disorders: client handling 380 22%
Musculoskeletal disorders: other 274 16%
Not classified 45 3%
Other (motor vehicle incidents, transportation, not coded) 4 0%
Workplace violence 157 9%
Total 1732  

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema, June 2016 data snapshot, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Other common hazards in long-term care homes include, but are not limited to:

Retirement homes

Retirement homes provide residential services primarily to seniors who are generally able to care for themselves but may require some support with daily activities. Services and levels of care vary at these operations. Workers at these operations include nursing staff, personal support workers and support service staff such as housekeepers and kitchen staff.

Table 9 below shows how the number of LTIs, NLTIs and the LTI frequency rate have changed for retirement homes from 2011-2015.

Table 9: Retirement homes injury statistics
Statistics 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Total number of LTIs 225 230 216 304 319
LTI frequency rate 1.72 1.65 1.48 2.02 2.01
Total number of NLTIs 357 318 366 382 391

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema and Firm Expense Schema, December 2016 data snapshot for all years, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

The Retirement Homes Act, 2010 establishes mandatory care, safety and administrative standards for retirement homes in Ontario. The act is administered by the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority. For more information, see the act and its regulations.

Common LTI hazards in retirement homes include, but are not limited to:

Table 10 below show the most common occupational health and safety hazards for retirement homes (homes for residential care) in 2015, demonstrating the percentage of LTIs each of the hazards resulted in.

Table 10: LTIs by hazard for retirement homes, 2015
Hazards Number of LTIs Percentage of total LTIs
Contact with/Struck by object 22 7%
Exposures 117 37%
Falls 45 14%
Machinery 8 3%
Musculoskeletal disorders: client handling 51 16%
Musculoskeletal disorders: other 59 19%
Other (MVI, fires & explosions) 3 1%
Not classified 7 2%
Workplace violence 5 2%
Total 317  

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema, June 2016 data snapshot, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Other common hazards in retirement homes include, but are not limited to:


Hospitals are the largest employers in the health care sector. Hospitals vary in the types of services they offer. Included are general hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, extended care hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, addiction hospitals, paediatric and other specialty hospitals.

Table 11 below shows how the number of LTIs, NLTIs and the LTI frequency rate have changed for hospitals from 2011-2015.

Table 11: Hospitals injury statistics
Statistics 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Total number of LTIs 2,539 2,524 2,201 2,164 2,049
LTI frequency rate 1.28 1.23 1.07 1.04 0.96
Total number of NLTIs 5,577 5,974 5,960 6,145 5,765

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema and Firm Expense Schema, December 2016 data snapshot for all years, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Common LTI hazards in hospitals include, but are not limited to:

Table 12 below show the most common occupational health and safety hazards for hospitals in 2015, demonstrating the percentage of LTIs each of the hazards resulted in.

Table 12: LTIs by hazards for hospitals, 2015
Hazards Number of LTIs Percentage of total LTIs
Contact with/Struck by object 218 11%
Exposures 321 16%
Falls 309 15%
Machinery 36 2%
Musculoskeletal disorders: client handling 388 19%
Musculoskeletal disorders: other 404 20%
Motor vehicle incidents 8 0%
Not classified 58 3%
Other (not coded, transportation, fires & explosions) 9 0%
Workplace violence 282 14%
Total 2033  

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema, June 2016 data snapshot, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Other common hazards in hospitals include, but are not limited to:

Nursing services

Nursing services include agencies that provide temporary or long-term professional health services (including nursing and medical), other health and community care services (such as non-professional physical and personal care) and home support services (such as homemaking).

Table 13 below shows how the number of LTIs, NLTIs and the LTI frequency rate have changed for nursing services from 2011-2015.

Table 13: Nursing services injury statistics
Statistics 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Total number of LTIs 802 900 897 971 817
LTI frequency rate 1.88 1.85 1.79 1.85 1.53
Total number of NLTIs 1,321 1,436 1,623 1,864 1,865

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema and Firm Expense Schema, December 2016 data snapshot for all years, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Health care personnel in this group can include dental technicians and hygienists, physiotherapists, nursing staff and personal support workers.

Common LTI hazards in nursing services include, but are not limited to:

Table 14 below show the most common occupational health and safety hazards for nursing services in 2015, demonstrating the percentage of LTIs each of the hazards resulted in.

Table 14: LTIs by hazards for nursing services, 2015
Hazards Number of LTIs Percentage of total LTIs
Contact with/Struck by object 57 7%
Exposures 26 3%
Falls 183 23%
Musculoskeletal disorders: client handling 189 23%
Musculoskeletal disorders: other 204 25%
Motor vehicle incidents 64 8%
Not classified 36 4%
Other (not coded, transportation, machinery) 9 1%
Workplace violence 42 5%
Total 810  

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema, June 2016 data snapshot, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Other common hazards in nursing services include, but are not limited to:

Supported group living residences and other facilities

Supported group living residences primarily provide residential care for people who require care or support, including people with developmental disabilities, mental health disabilities and/or substance abuse problems. Activities include providing care for residents who have decreased physical capacity or cognitive ability and require supervision and assistance with daily living. Residents may also require other types of support related to emotional or psycho-social needs through social and recreational services.

Table 15 below shows how the number of LTIs, NLTIs and the LTI frequency rate have changed for supported group living residences and other facilities from 2011-2015.

Table 15: Supported group living residences and other facilities injury statistics
Statistics 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Total number of LTIs 631 634 620 549 529
LTI frequency rate 3.44 3.33 3.2 2.92 2.74
Total number of NLTIs 849 834 894 915 779

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema and Firm Expense Schema, December 2016 data snapshot for all years, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Common LTI hazards in supported group living residences and other facilities include, but are not limited to:

Table 16 below show the most common occupational health and safety hazards for supported group living residences and other facilities (group homes) in 2015, demonstrating the percentage of LTIs each of the hazards resulted in.

Table 16: LTIs by hazards for supported group living residences and other facilities, 2015
Hazards Number of LTIs Percentage of total LTIs
Contact with/Struck by object 57 11%
Exposures 10 2%
Falls 89 17%
Machinery 3 1%
Musculoskeletal disorders: client handling 65 12%
Musculoskeletal disorders: other 119 22%
Motor vehicle incidents 15 3%
Not classified 12 2%
Other (not coded, transportation) 3 1%
Workplace violence 157 30%
Total 530  

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema, June 2016 data snapshot, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Other common hazards in group living residences and other facilities include, but are not limited to:

  • safety in transition of care and
  • infections and infectious diseases.

Treatment clinics and specialized services

Treatment clinics and specialized services include drug and alcohol treatment centres, public health clinics, Community Care Access Centres, community clinics and skills development programs. Activities include continual assessment and rehabilitative treatment for non-institutional patients whose physical or mental condition is expected to improve.

Table 17 below shows how the number of LTIs, NLTIs and the LTI frequency rate have changed for treatment clinics and specialized services from 2011-2015.

Table 17: Treatment clinics and specialized services injury statistics
Statistics 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Total number of LTIs 675 696 703 656 780
LTI frequency rate 0.97 0.97 0.95 0.86 0.94
Total number of NLTIs 1,080 1,048 1,097 1,151 1,114

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema and Firm Expense Schema, December 2016 data snapshot for all years, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Common LTI hazards in treatment clinics and specialized services include, but are not limited to:

Table 18 below show the most common occupational health and safety hazards for treatment clinics and specialized services in 2015, demonstrating the percentage of LTIs each of the hazards resulted in.

Table 18: LTIs by hazard for treatment clinics and specialized services, 2015
Hazards Number of LTIs Percentage of total LTIs
Contact with/Struck by object 127 16%
Exposures 37 5%
Falls 210 27%
Machinery 5 1%
Musculoskeletal disorders: client handling 19 2%
Musculoskeletal disorders: other 220 28%
Motor vehicle incidents 27 3%
Not classified 32 4%
Transportation 4 1%
Workplace violence 95 12%
Total 776  

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema, June 2016 data snapshot, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Other common hazards in treatment clinics and specialized services include, but are not limited to:

Professional offices and agencies

Professional offices and agencies include doctors’ clinics, dental surgery clinics, other allied health professional clinics and medical laboratories and specimen collection centres in a community setting. Activities include the private practice of medicine or a specialty of medicine — in individual or group practice — by registered physicians and surgeons.

Table 19 below shows how the number of LTIs, NLTIs and the LTI frequency rate have changed for professional offices and agencies from 2011-2015.

Table 19: Professional offices and agencies injury statistics
Statistics 2011 2012 2013 2014
Total number of LTIs 257 272 244 214
LTI frequency rate 0.55 0.58 0.53 0.47
Total number of NLTIs 480 500 542 502

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema and Firm Expense Schema, December 2016 data snapshot for all years, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA).

Common LTI hazards in professional offices and agencies include, but are not limited to:

Table 20 below shows the most common occupational health and safety hazards for professional offices and agencies in 2015, demonstrating the percentage of LTIs each of the hazards resulted in.

Table 20: LTIs by hazard for professional offices and agencies, 2015
Hazards Number of LTIs Percentage of total LTIs
Contact with/Struck by object 35 16%
Exposures 25 11%
Falls 62 28%
Other (machinery, not coded, transportation) 4 2%
Musculoskeletal disorders: client handling 7 3%
Musculoskeletal disorders: other 50 23%
Motor vehicle incidents 17 8%
Not classified 5 2%
Workplace violence 17 8%
Total 222  

Source: WSIB Enterprise Information Warehouse (EIW) Claim Cost Analysis Schema, June 2016 data snapshot, courtesy of Public Services Health and Safety Association (PSHSA)

Other common hazards in professional offices and agencies include, but are not limited to: