
The Forest Sector Safety Measures Fund (FSSMF) helps small to medium sized companies in the forest and wood products sectors with extra costs associated with implementing COVID‑19 safety measures.

This funding will help support important jobs in communities across Ontario and Canada, helping to maintain critical forest management infrastructure.

Natural Resources Canada provides the funding for this program, and our ministry will deliver it to Ontario companies.

This page is a summary of the FSSMF. Complete eligibility and application information is available in the FSSMF program guidelines:

Download FSSMF program guidelines (PDF)

We are committed to providing accessible customer service. If you need any of the information in an alternate format, please contact the Forest Economics and Business Branch at 1-844-573-9017 or FSSMF@ontario.ca. We will acknowledge emails and online messages within two business days and answer them within 15 business days.


Funding (to a maximum of $75,000) is for one of the following, whichever is less:

  • actual costs incurred between April 1, 2020 and February 12, 2021
  • $500 per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee

If the total eligible claims submitted by all applicants amount to more than the available program funding, your payment will be pro-rated. For example, if your claim represented 1% of the total value of all eligible claims submitted, you would receive 1% of the available funding (subject to the maximum of $75,000 per applicant).

We are targeting spring 2021 to provide funding to eligible companies. The exact timing will depend on when Ontario receives the program funding from the federal government.

Who can apply

To be eligible to participate in the program, you must submit a completed application and meet all the following eligibility requirements.

  1. Be a for-profit forestry company as defined under the following North American Industry Classifications:
    • 1131 (Timber Tract Operations)
    • 1133 (Logging)
    • 1153 (Support Activities for Forestry, excluding Reforestation Servicesfootnote 1)
    • 321 (Wood Product Manufacturing) and 322 (Pulp Manufacturing)
  2. Be a small to medium sized business, meaning your company employs fewer than 500 full-time and part-time employees on average over a 12-month period.
  3. Operate workplace(s) in Ontario.
  4. Has and/or will incur a minimum of $1,000 in eligible COVID‑19 health and safety costs at Ontario workplace(s) between April 1, 2020 and February 12, 2021.

Eligible costs

Eligible costs must be:

  • incurred between April 1, 2020 and February 12, 2021
  • incremental expenses directly related to the implementation of COVID‑19 health and safety measures, such as:
    • personal protective equipment
    • installation of plexiglass
    • handwashing stations
    • extra vehicles and accommodations in work camps
    • additional cleaning and sanitation costs
    • facilities for self-isolation in work camps
    • building renovations to enable physical distancing
    • worker training on COVID‑19 safety protocols
    • signage
  • incremental, discrete, and distinguishable from other regular operating costs or changes in revenues or productivity. For example, lost revenues from reduced sales effectiveness or reductions in productivity are not eligible
  • incurred at places of work or work camp location. Personal COVID‑19-related costs such as the cost of employees isolating at home is not eligible
  • incurred at a workplace or workplaces in Ontario

Ineligible costs

The following costs are not eligible for funding under the program:

  • any cost that is not incremental, distinct and directly attributable to the implementation of COVID‑19 health and safety measures
  • expenses to address usual business or operating practices, expansion or any other non-COVID‑19 related objectives
  • costs related to lost revenue or production
  • expenses and costs associated with activities supported under other federal programs, such as the Low Carbon Economy Fund
  • costs incurred for workers isolating at home
  • in-kind contributions
  • financing charges, loan and lease interest payments, bank fees and charges, debt restructuring
  • the refundable or rebateable portion of any expense for which the business receives, or is eligible to receive, a refund or rebate
  • costs incurred preparing an application to the program
  • costs for which a company has already received funding under other Ontario or federal programs

Application process

To apply for the Forest Sector Safety Measures Fund, you must:

  1. Register your business with Transfer Payment Ontario (if you are not already registered)
  2. Complete an application form

Applicants must also:

  • certify the accuracy of all information provided in their application form, including eligible COVID‑19 health and safety costs incurred and number of employees
  • agree that the ministry retains the right to conduct an audit and/or request additional documentation to support the claim, as required in the sole opinion of Ontario. Documentation could include, but is not limited to:
    • invoices and proof of payment for eligible costs incurred
    • payroll/employee documentation
    • company financial statements
  • keep proper and accurate books, accounts, and records of supporting documentation and materials relevant to this program for a period of three years after you receive payment. This includes:
    • records of eligible expenses incurred and paid for (for which a claim is being made under this program)
    • records that show how many employees you have, such as payroll records or employee records
  • agree to additional terms and conditions regarding funding disbursement, as noted in the application form

Application deadline

The program will have only one intake period.

Contact us

For more information, contact the Forest Economics and Business Branch: