Research has shown that long-term approaches to ending homelessness are more cost-effective than emergency responses. Investing in affordable housing today means enabling more people to realize their full potential in the future.

This is why the Ontario government has set an ambitious goal to end homelessness in Ontario.

Key achievements

Some of the steps we have taken to help end homelessness include:

  • In 2015, the Ontario government established the Expert Advisory Panel on Homelessness. Based on the panel’s recommendations, the Province set a target to reduce chronic homelessness in 10 years. Ontario will also take a number of immediate and long-term steps to work together with its public, non-profit and private sector partners, and local communities towards its vision of ending homelessness.
  • Investing an additional $42 million in the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI), bringing funding to almost $294 million annually to support municipalities in delivering homelessness programs.
  • In 2014-15, funding under the CHPI has assisted approximately 30,500 households experiencing homelessness obtain housing and has helped over 104,400 households at-risk of homelessness remain in their homes.
  • Committing over $400 million in funding over five years through the Canada-Ontario Investment in Affordable Housing (IAH) Agreement. As of September 2015 under the IAH program, more than 13,400 affordable units are being built and repaired. As well, rental and down payment assistance has been committed to nearly 14,700 households in need across the province.
  • Continuing to support off-reserve Aboriginal Housing through a dedicated component of the Investment in Affordable Housing for Ontario Program. As of September 2015, 299 Aboriginal households have received loans to purchase homes, 192 households have benefited from a repair program, and 197 new affordable units have been approved for funding.
  • Committing $16 million over three years to create approximately 1,000 supportive housing spaces for people with mental health and addiction issues, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
  • Investing approximately $1.6 million from the Local Poverty Reduction Fund to support eight homelessness-related projects.

Read the 2014 Annual Report.

To find out about housing assistance in your area, contact your local municipal service manager.

Policies and initiatives for ending homelessness:

Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative

Canada-Ontario Investment in Affordable Housing Agreement

Report from the Expert Advisory Panel on Homelessness

Long-Term Affordable Housing Strategy

Affordable housing programs for vulnerable populations:

Off-reserve Aboriginal housing

Comprehensive Mental Health and Addictions Strategy

At Home/Chez Soi