Youth Job Connection

Through Youth Job Connection, you get:

  • 60 hours participation in paid skills training and/or pre-employment workshops
  • a job for up to 6 months
  • mentorship, job-coaching and help with the transition from school to work, or to ongoing employment once the program ends


For these year-round opportunities, you must be:

  • between 15 and 29 years old
  • unemployed
  • not attending full-time school or training
  • a resident of Ontario

If you are under 18, you must already be legally excused from school. This means that you have either graduated or are participating in a supervised alternative learning program approved by your school board.

Consider Youth Job Connection if you are:

  • an indigenous youth
  • a recent immigrant
  • young person living with a disability
  • young person with limited work experience, or low level of education

Apply for Youth Job Connection

To start your application for Youth Job Connection, request an appointment with an Employment Ontario service provider.

Request an appointment in:


Youth Job Connection Summer

Through Youth Job Connection Summer, you get:

  • at least 20 hours of paid skills training and/or pre-employment workshops
  • summer jobs that last for up to 8 weeks
    • part-time and after-school jobs are available if they don’t conflict with school
  • mentorship, job-coaching and help returning to school after the program ends


For these summer opportunities, you must be:

  • between 15 and 18 years old
  • a resident of Ontario
  • a high school student planning to stay in or return to school, or to move on to postsecondary education

This program can also help:

  • indigenous youth
  • recent immigrants
  • young people with disabilities
  • youth with limited work experience, or low level of education

Apply for Youth Job Connection Summer

To start your application for Youth Job Connection Summer, request an appointment with an Employment Ontario service provider.

Speak with an employment counsellor in:


Contact Employment Ontario

For more information, or to apply for Youth Job Connection or Youth Job Connection Summer, you can contact Employment Ontario by:

Indigenous Youth Work Exchange Program

  • Get an eight-week summer placement for up to three consecutive summers
  • Gain experience in natural resource management, obtain job skills and benefit from personal development
  • No set deadline for applications
  • Positions posted between the end of March and the end of June
  • During the posting period, also look for posted jobs at, and in places like Band offices and Friendship Centres
  • Indigenous Youth Work Exchange positions are recruited in partnership with Indigenous communities and organizations. Some positions offer accommodations.


  • Learn a skilled trade on the job
  • Find out how you qualify and apply to be an apprentice
  • Train in one of more than 150 skilled trades in Ontario
  • See also the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (grades 11 and 12)

Employment Ontario Employment Service

  • Get help finding training, skills and experience
  • We connect you to businesses looking to hire

Engineering Development Program

  • For recent civil and geotechnical engineering graduates
  • Help design and build Ontario’s roads and bridges
  • Get qualifying experience for an engineering licence and more senior work in the public service

Focus On Youth Summer Program

Indigenous Internship Program

  • A 12-month placement in select fields (such as policy specialists, Indigenous liaison and Indigenous relations, biologists, communications, financial management or human resources)
  • Get work experience in your field, career development training and coaching
  • For people who self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Métis or Inuit) and have graduated from a college or university with a diploma, degree or post-graduate certificate (within the past five years)
  • Internship positions will be posted on OPS Careers in the Spring

Internship program at the Ministry of Natural Resources

  • A 12-month placement with the ministry in select fields (such as biology, forestry, human resources, policy)
  • Get work experience in your field, career development training and coaching
  • For recent graduates (within four years) of a recognized post-secondary institution
  • Internship positions will be posted on OPS Careers in the Spring

Ontario Disability Support Program Employment Supports

  • For people with disabilities
  • Become employment-ready
  • Get help to find a job, advance your career or start your own business

Ontario Internship Program

  • A paid internship program with the Ontario Public Service for individuals recently graduated with a degree, diploma or a post-graduate certificate
  • Gain invaluable work experience as you explore career opportunities in the public service
  • Choose to work in Information and Information Technology, Program Service Delivery, Business and Financial Planning, Human Resources, Communications, Labour Relations or Policy Development
  • Apply online in January

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (grades 11 and 12)

  • Get a co-op placement in a skilled trade (for example, electrical, hair styling)
  • Opportunities available to become a registered apprentice
  • To apply, speak to a Guidance, Cooperative Education or Technological Education teacher at your school

School of Social Entrepreneurs

  • A 6-month fellowship at the Daniels Centre of Learning in Toronto
  • Support to help you develop and secure a social venture that can benefit your community (for example, fair trade products)
  • Cost: $1,500 (including course materials and school fees)
  • Scholarships and bursaries available, in some cases

SmartStart Seed Fund

  • A funding and support program for technology or innovation-based Ontario entrepreneurs aged 18 to 29
  • 1:1 matching financing required from at least one other source
  • If you obtain matched financing, you may get an additional $5,000 for entrepreneurship skills training and business support services (no matching funds required)

Starter Company Plus

  • An entrepreneurship program for Ontario people aged 18 to 29
  • Applicants must not be attending school full time
  • Get guidance, mentoring, business expertise and funding to start, grow, or buy a small business
  • To qualify for funding of up to $5,000, you need to be able to contribute at least 25% (in cash or in-kind) of the grant amount

Stewardship Youth Ranger Program (Rangers)

  • For youth who are 16 or 17 years old at time of hire but who are not turning 18 before December 31 of the program year
  • Work outdoors on natural resources projects in your own community (e.g. create wildlife habitat, study species at risk)
  • Get training and education (such as First Aid, species identification)
  • May earn two high school co-op credits
  • Duration: 8 weeks
  • Positions are posted on in March and April.

Stewardship Youth Ranger Program (Team Leads)

  • Apply to lead rangers during the summer
  • Work includes strenuous tasks outdoors, often over rough terrain and in adverse weather conditions
  • Positions are posted on as they become available between February and April. Deadlines vary.

Summer Company

  • Entrepreneurship program for students aged 15-29
  • Get $1,500 in start-up money to kick-off a new summer business
  • Up to an additional $1,500 when you successfully complete the program requirements
  • Receive advice and mentorship from local business leaders to help get the business up and running

Summer Employment Opportunities Program

  • Get a summer job with the Ontario Public Service
  • Supporting positions in a variety of fields (such as administration, business, environment, IT, Ontario Parks)
  • Work in an office, the outdoors or in unique locations (such as laboratories, travel information centres)
  • Duration: 7-18 concurrent weeks between May and Labour Day

TalentEdge Internship and Fellowship Program

  • Four-month paid internships for Ontario students currently in college or university (graduate or undergraduate), or who graduated within the last 3 years
  • Up to two 12-month paid fellowships available to Ontario residents with a doctoral degree
  • Opportunities to work on a collaborative, industry-driven research, development and commercialization project in your discipline or area of specialization

Transportation Technician Initiative (engineering tech graduates)

  • Get a full-time, permanent job with the Ministry of Transportation
  • Get 3 years of rotating assignments and work experience

Youth Investment Accelerator Fund

  • A funding program for eligible technology companies founded by entrepreneurs under the age of 30
  • Get support as you build your team and commercialize your technologies
  • The program targets high potential technology start-ups with a market potential of at least $100 million

Youth in Policing Initiative

  • Get a 6-8 week summer or after-school job with a local police service
  • Gain experience through diverse work assignments
  • Examples could include community policing, forensics, traffic services
  • For residents in select communities only: contact your local police department to see if they offer the program