Minister’s order

made under clause 9(14)(a) of the Far North Act, 2010

Order # FN – 05 – 2011 – P Little Grand Rapids Community Based Land Use Plan

whereas on July 7, 2011, the Minister made order # FN – 02 – 2011 – P designating the Little Grand Rapids Planning Area as a planning area in the Far North (“the Area”) pursuant to subsection 9(4) of the Far North Act, 2010 (the “Act”);

and whereas under subsection 9(6) of the Act, Little Grand Rapids First Nation has worked with the Minister to prepare a land use plan (the “Plan”) for the Area;

and whereas under clause 9(14)(a) of the Act the Minister may by order approve the parts of a land use plan that subsection 9(9) requires to be included in the plan;

and whereas those parts of the Plan that subsection 9(9) requires to be included (“Mandatory Contents”) are Schedule 1 attached to this order;

and whereas under subsection 9(15) of the Act, the Plan is a land use plan for the Area as it currently exists;

and whereas the Minister has taken into account the objectives set out in section 5 of the Act in deciding whether to make an order approving the Mandatory Contents of the Plan;

and whereas a Far North land use strategy does not currently exist;

now therefore this order is made pursuant to clause 9(14)(a) of the Act and the Mandatory Contents of the Plan are approved;

and further this Order shall come into force on the date set out below

Signature of Linda Jeffrey

Linda Jeffrey
Minister of Natural Resources

Date: July 7, 2011