Minister’s Order made under subsection 9(4) of the Far North Act, 2010

Order # FN – 03 – 2014 – P Pauingassi Planning Area

whereas subsection 9(4) of the Far North Act, 2010 (the “Act”) provides that the Minister may make an order designating a planning area if the Minister has approved terms of reference to guide the designation of an area in the Far North as the planning area and the preparation of a land use plan for the planning area, the council of each of the First Nations that works with the Minister under subsection 9(1) or (2) has passed a resolution approving the terms of reference and the Minister has followed the terms of reference in designating the planning area;

and whereas Pauingassi First Nation, being a First Nation without a reserve in the Far North, indicated to the Minister its interest in initiating the planning process and the Minister and Pauingassi First Nation agreed to work with each other to prepare the terms of reference under subsection 9(2) of the Act;

and whereas the council of Pauingassi First Nation passed a resolution approving the “Terms of Reference for a Community-based Land Use Planning Process For the Pauingassi First Nation Traditional Land Use Area in Ontario”, dated April 24, 2009 (the “Terms of Reference”) on June 20, 2011;

and whereas the Terms of Reference are Schedule 1 attached to this order;

and whereas the Pauingassi Planning Area is described in Schedule 2 attached to this order (the “Area”);

now therefore the Minister approves the Terms of Reference;

and now therefore the Minister has followed the Terms of Reference in designating the Area;

and now therefore this order is made pursuant to subsection 9(4) of the Act and the Area is designated as a planning area under that subsection;

and further this Order shall come into force on the date set out below.

Signature of Bill Mauro, minister of natural resources
Bill Mauro
Minister of Natural Resources
Date: Sept, 8, 2014