(subject to Section 2.6)

Quebec Ontario
Certificat de qualification (Sceau Rouge)/ Certificate of Qualification (Red Seal)footnote 1 Certificate of Qualification (Red Seal)/ Certificat de qualification (Sceau Rouge) footnote 1
Certificat de competence--compagnon/Journeyperson Competency Certificate  footnote 2 Certificate of Qualification / Certificat de qualification professionnelle  footnote 3
Not Applicable Certificate of Apprenticeship / Certificat d’apprentissage  footnote 4
Not Applicable Provisional Certificate of Qualification / Certificat de qualification professionnelle provisoire footnote 5
Certificat de competence-apprenti Apprentice Competency Certificatefootnote 6 Apprentice Identification Card / Carte d’identification  d’apprenti footnote 7


  • footnote[1] Back to paragraph An Interprovincial (IP) Red Seal certificate of qualification is issued to workers who have successfully completed an Ontario apprenticeship program and an IP qualification exam based on knowledge and competencies identified in the National Occupational Analysis (NOA).
  • footnote[2] Back to paragraph The Quebec Journeyperson Competency Certificate is issued to a worker who has completed a Quebec apprenticeship program and who has passed the Commission de la construction du Québec qualifying examinations for a given trade or specialty, provided that he also supplies a certificate showing that he has taken the safety course required under the Code for the Construction Industry.
  • footnote[3] Back to paragraph The Ontario Certificate of Qualification is issued to workers who have successfully completed an Ontario apprenticeship program or who can demonstrate they have acquired the skills and experience equivalent to those attained through an Ontario apprenticeship program, and who have passed a provincial qualification exam for a given trade or specialty.
  • footnote[4] Back to paragraph The Ontario Apprenticeship Certificate is issued to a worker who has successfully completed an Ontario apprenticeship program approved by the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities for a given trade or specialty.
  • footnote[5] Back to paragraph The Ontario Provisional Certificate is issued to workers who demonstrate they have acquired the skills and experience equivalent to those attained through an Ontario apprenticeship program for a given trade or specialty. The Provisional Certificate is conditional on a worker taking the appropriate provincial or Interprovincial (Red Seal) qualification exam within the time period established by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.
  • footnote[6] Back to paragraph The Quebec Apprenticeship Competency Certificate is generally issued to an individual who has completed vocational training at the secondary level in a construction trade, and who has taken the required safety course and has a job guarantee with an employer registered with the Commission de la Construction du Québec.
  • footnote[7] Back to paragraph The Ontario Apprentice Identification Card is issued to an individual who enters into a contract of apprenticeship with an employer and who registers this contract with the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. In-school training (at community colleges or other approved training delivery organizations) is subject to provincial curriculum standards approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.