The expected results from the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative, the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative, and Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit investments are set out in the table below for the next three fiscal years.

At the time the action plan was developed, the programs were not yet implemented. Service Managers/Indigenous Program Administrators had not developed their initial investment plans, and so the expected results below are based on program take-up assumptions from previous similar programs. These assumptions include the projected take-up of operating and capital components under the respective program initiatives, with consideration of the funding focus for the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative, Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative, and Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit along with a historical analysis of Service Managers and Indigenous Program Administrators funding priorities.

As these are new program initiatives, the expected results are high-level projections. Also, Service Managers and Indigenous Program Administrators set annual priorities based on local needs and in accordance with the requirements of the Bilateral Agreement as well as program guidelines for each of the new program initiatives.

As program implementation proceeds, the ministry and its delivery partners will have a better understanding of how targets and outcomes are being achieved in all areas as it progresses toward the 9-year overall targets.

It should be noted that in rows marked with an asterisk (*), the target for years 2020-21 and 2021-22 are cumulative totals as it is anticipated that Service Managers will contribute multiple years of funding to a household in need of rent assistance to assist in the preservation of these units over the 3 years as identified in the tables below.

Table 4: Targets and outcomes for expected results overall

Outcome Expected Results 2019-20 Target (Units) 2019-20 Funding ($M) 2020-21 Target (Units) 2020-21 Funding ($M) 2021-22 Target (Units) 2021-22 Funding ($M) Cumulative Total Target (Units) Cumulative Total Funding ($M) 2019-20 to 2028-29 Target (Units)
Maintain/ increase social housing supply1 Units continue to be offered in social housing* (rent subsidy maintained) 3,683 25.2 9,002 61.6 12,618 86.3 12,618 173.1 131,067
Maintain/ increase social housing supply1 15% expansion of rent assisted units* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,660
Maintain/ increase social housing supply1 No net loss of Urban Native Housing units available to low-income households* (rent subsidy maintained) 63 0.7 308 3.2 533 5.6 533 9.5 1,452
Repair existing stock1 At least 20% of existing social housing units repaired 1,260 6.6 2,772 14.6 3,409 17.9 7,440 39.1 26,213
Repair existing stock1 Retained Urban Native Housing units are repaired to good condition 53 0.7 128 1.6 178 2.2 358 4.5 1,452
Increased supply and appropriate mix of affordable and adequate housing2 Number of new affordable rental units 600 99.3 293 48.8 450 74.9 1,343 233 3,132
Increased supply and appropriate mix of affordable and adequate housing2 Number of affordable rental units renovated/repaired 674 18.7 356 9.9 546 15.2 1,576 43.8 3,949
People are better connected to housing assistance and supports that are responsive to their complex and changing needs2

Number of households in receipt of rental affordability assistance










People are better connected to housing assistance and supports that are responsive to their complex and changing needs2 Number of households in receipt of homeownership affordability assistance 105 5.9 56 3.1 85 4.7 246 13.7 617
People are better connected to housing assistance and supports that are responsive to their complex and changing needs2 Number of households in receipt of housing-related supports 555 6.2 292 3.2 449 4.9 1,296 14.3 3,248

Note 1: Expected results use assumptions in operating versus capital take-up based on federal funding only for Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative and do not include municipal cost matching funding.
Note 2: Expected results use assumptions in operating versus capital take-up based on projected provincial cost matching and federal funding allocations for Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative and Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit only.
Note 3: Some targets and outcomes under 2019-20 also include 2018-19 expected results as the Province intends to cost match with some existing provincial programs from that year. This is also reflected in Tables 5 and 7.

Table 5: Expected number of households for which housing need will be addressed, by initiative

Initiative 2019-20 Target (Households) 2020-21 Target (Households) 2021-22 Target (Households) 3 Year Cumulative Total Target (Households) 2019-20 to 2028-29 Target (Households)
Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative (Note 1) 5,270 997 1,531 7,798 14,283
Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative (Note 2) 5,059 12,210 16,737 20,950 150,727
Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit (Note 3) 1,500 5,425 6,950 6,950 50,623
Total (excluding Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit) 11,829 18,632 25,218 35,696 215,633

Note 1: Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative – Targets are based on historical information from capital and operating take-up and costs/units per the historical Investment in Affordable Housing Extension program guidelines.
Note 2: Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative – Targets are based on historical social housing information and include Social Housing units (including Urban Native Housing units) receiving operating subsidy only. Repair of existing social housing stock (including UNH) is excluded since it is not addressing housing need as reflected in his chart.
Note 3: Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit – targets are based on historical trends from the Portable Housing Benefit – Special Priority Program (PHB-SPP).

Table 6: Planned cost-matching per initiative

Initiative 2019-20 Planned Cost-Matching ($) 2020-21 Planned Cost-Matching ($) 2021-22 Planned Cost-Matching ($) 2022-23 Planned Cost-Matching ($)
Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative (Note 1) 73,514,900 10,869,400 54,103,900 45,767,000
Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative (Note 1) 33,159,200 81,044,800 112,125,600 147,316,200
Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit (Note 2) 10,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 37,847,000

Note 1: For Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative, the ministry plans to use approximately $34.6M from existing eligible provincial programs in 2018-19 and 2019-20 and $49.7M new provincial funding to meet the 2019-20 federal contribution of $84.3M. The ministry intends to cost-match with provincial spending over the Action Plan period by one-year lag starting in 2020-21.
For Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative, the ministry plans to use existing municipal spending on social housing to meet the cost matching requirements.
Note 2: For Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit, the ministry plans to use approximately $10M from 2018-19 and 2019-20 existing eligible provincial programs to cost match federal contribution.

Table 7: Indicator – number of households for which housing need is addressed

(Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative, Canada-Ontario Housing Initiative, and Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit)

Indicator: Number of households for which Housing Need is addressed 2019-20 Target (Households) 2019-20 Funding ($M) 2020-21 Target (Households) 2020-21 Target Funding ($M) 2021-22 Target (Households) 2021-22 Target Funding ($M) 3 Year Cumulative Total Target (Households) 3 Year Cumulative Funding ($M) 2019-20 to 2028-29 Target (Households)
New Construction 600 90 293 43.9 450 67.4 1,343 201.3 3,123
Repaired/Renewed 1,978 24.1 3,256 25.1 4,132 33.9 9,375 83.1 31,614
Affordability Assistance (Note 1): Project-based subsidy




64.8 13,151 91.9




Affordability Assistance (Note 1): Affordability Assistance to the household




















Note 1: Targets and funding are based on historical information from capital vs operating take-up and costs per the historical Investment in Affordable Housing Extension program guidelines and includes estimates on Social Housing (Non-Urban Native) and Urban Native Housing repaired units take-up.
Note 2: Included in 2019-20 are 2018-19 targets. Project-based subsidy also includes eligible cost matching existing provincial programs. Affordability Assistance is based on historical information capital take-up and costs per the historical Investment in Affordable Housing Extension (Homeownership) guidelines and estimated take up on eligible support services. Information is also based on estimates in maintained Social Housing (Non-Urban Native) and Urban Native Housing units take up.

Note 3: The total in the chart includes 1,452 UNH units that are included under the Repaired/Renewed Category as well as the Affordability Assistance – Project based category.

Note: Data for table on housing units considered accessible is currently unavailable. Data to be determined and/or updated as Service Managers and Indigenous Program Administrators provide their plans.