
Clubs, activities, sport teams, bands and extra-curriculars are permitted. Cohorts may interact outdoors with physical distancing encouraged, and indoors with masking and physical distancing.

Direction in sections on protective strategies and specific academic programs and requirements apply to all extra-curricular activities.

Inter-school sport activities

Measures for inter-school sport activities should follow the requirements in the health and physical education section for schools:

  • High and low contact activities are permitted outdoors without masking.
  • Masking is required for indoor sports when not actively engaged in the activity. Masks can be removed when actively participating in the activity if they can not be worn safely while participating.

Local public health units may advise school boards to implement additional or enhanced health and safety measures.

Before and after school programs

Schools, child care operators and authorized recreation providers in schools should follow the guidance for before and after school programs.

Community use of schools

Community use of schools is permitted provided activities are aligned with public health guidance and direction.

School boards that choose to resume community use of schools should ensure that they are complying with the applicable provincial requirements under the Reopening Ontario Act. School boards and schools are encouraged to work with their local PHUs to develop a plan for community access to school property and facilities. Any visitors to a school are required to self-screen and to wear a mask while on school premises. At the advice of the local public health unit, school boards may be asked to restrict community access.