Growing stock volumes reflect the amount of standing wood contained within a forest (see methodology for a description of the growing stock volume measures used).

Growing stock volume totals have changed slightly since the 2016 report, primarily due to the increase in available data and the complete refresh of provincial inventories. However, volume remained relatively constant over the past thirty years, ranging from 4.3 to 4.8 billion cubic metres within designated management units. The most visible changes are the steady increase in non-commercial species as they are accounted for in more detail.

Growing stock volumes in Ontario – quick facts

three fire logs

61.6 million m3 – Ontario’s forests grow this much annually

tree with arrows indicating growth

6.4 billion m3 – Ontario’s forests contain this much wood

outline of Ontario

56% of Ontario’s forest volume is Crown managed

logging truck

14 million m3 average annual harvest in Ontario

forest fire and pest

28 million m3 average annual natural disturbance volume loss

Historical forest area by lead species and report year (volume in cubic metres)
Land class Crown Parks & protected areas Other owners Total
All Ontario – GTV 4,426,912,356 865,635,786 1,129,180,666 6,421,728,808
All Ontario – NMV 2,719,578,375 747,473,564 555,519,625 4,022,571,564
All Ontario – CAI 44,655,906 6,790,727 10,181,673 61,628,305
MFZGTV 3,611,637,293 653,692,853 690,713,699 4,956,043,845
MFZNMV 2,215,504,626 424,443,810 443,337,761 3,083,286,197
MFZCAI 36,206,468 4,857,319 6,394,588 47,458,375
Growing stock values by species - estimated gross total volume for Ontario (volume in cubic metres)
Species Crown Parks & protected areas Other owners Total
White pine 136,185,859 43,166,437 75,391,411 254,743,708
Red pine 46,143,995 15,720,216 19,041,904 80,906,115
Jack pine 587,979,621 143,261,758 28,635,487 759,876,866
Black spruce 1,683,645,317 306,435,272 107,080,741 2,097,161,330
White spruce 103,401,880 17,986,033 36,294,231 157,682,144
Balsam fir 188,462,778 32,312,344 56,716,234 277,491,356
Cedar 92,539,011 15,124,021 52,651,038 160,314,069
Larch 154,854,955 20,243,708 18,787,958 193,886,620
Hemlock 20,046,996 7,282,822 23,314,805 50,644,623
Other conifers 48,599 10,503 954,984 1,014,086
Poplar 810,507,078 127,286,581 249,235,561 1,187,029,219
White birch 345,189,732 66,713,469 63,618,466 475,521,667
Hard maple 109,110,907 26,805,856 164,444,450 300,361,212
Soft maple 61,177,725 18,047,216 82,162,036 161,386,977
Yellow birch 39,794,735 10,953,470 31,256,809 82,005,013
Ash 10,489,449 3,144,357 28,639,196 42,273,003
Oak 26,470,079 9,336,131 49,213,493 85,019,702
Basswood 2,837,312 436,675 15,170,093 18,444,080
Beech 6,655,549 1,119,819 15,806,437 23,581,805
Other hardwoods 1,370,779 249,100 10,765,333 12,385,212
Total: 4,426,912,356 865,635,786 1,129,180,666 6,421,728,808

Visual display

Tables and supporting data are available on the Ontario Data Catalogue. To support representation of complex data, a variety of tables, charts and maps are available in a visualization format.

View data visualization - Ontario’s forest growing stock

infographic depicting Ontario's total growing stock volumes

Category Volume (cubic metres)
Forest growing stock 6,421,728,808.03
Average annual growth 61,628,305.36
Average annual harvest volumes 14,154,810.37
Average annual natural disturbance volumes 27,722,427.77
