Component: Economic Empowerment Program

Legislation: N/A

Service Description

  • The Investing in Women’s Futures (IWF) program funds women-centred organizations across the province to provide a safe space and wraparound supports for women who experience social and economic barriers to stabilize their lives, embark on a path to healing and wellness, and gain the skills needed to gain economic self-sufficiency and security
  • The program provides employment readiness and violence prevention programming and services to women and 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals. Services offered may vary service provider depending on location, community need, and population served and be delivered through both group workshops and individual sessions, offered in person or virtually

People Served

  • Survivors of gender-based violence
  • Low-income women
  • Immigrant, refugee and newcomer women
  • Black women
  • Racialized women
  • Indigenous women
  • Francophone women
  • Rural women
  • Women with disabilities
  • Lone mothers of young children
  • 2SLGBTQQIA+ and non-binary individuals

Program/Service Features

  • The Programs/Services contracted by the Ministry reflect employment readiness and violence prevention programming provided through both group workshops and individual sessions, offered in person or virtually
  • Wraparound supports are offered to help remove barriers for participants to access services. Wraparound supports vary based on participant need, are coordinated locally on a site-by-site basis and can be up to 5% of the project’s overall budget. Wraparound supports may include
    • Assistance with childcare
    • Transportation to and from the site
    • Food on site throughout the day, and
    • Referrals to counselling, housing, mental health, and legal support

Specific service provided

Programming and services may vary by site to include, but is not limited to the following economic and social services

  • Safety planning
  • Supportive counselling
  • Legal rights workshops and resources
  • Financial Literacy Training
  • Personal and professional coaching, mentorship
  • Systems navigation and referrals
  • Life skills and self-esteem workshops
  • Employment readiness workshops
  • Entrepreneurship skills development
  • Occupational skills training

Program Goals

  • The Investing in Women’s Futures (IWF) program aims to ensure women and 2SLGBTQQIA+ individuals are supported to become economically empowered and to live safely with a strong sense of well-being by delivering a range of flexible programs and services to
    • Respond to and prevent gender-based violence (GBV)
    • Foster well-being, social inclusion and engagement, and
    • Promote economic empowerment and resilience

Ministry expectations:

  • All projects are to include information on risk factors for lethal violence and steps that can be taken to reduce this risk (e.g. providing referral information)
  • All services are to be delivered in a manner that is intersectional in nature, responsive to the increased risk of GBV experienced by specific groups and are culturally relevant, localized, innovative, trauma and evidence informed
  • All service providers may provide wraparound supports to assist participants access the programs and services offered

Reporting Requirements

The following service data as well as expenditures will be reported on at an Interim and Final stage. Additional data may be requested at the discretion of the Ministry. Please refer to your Transfer Payment Agreement for report back due dates and targets.

Wellbeing and GBV Indicators
Service Data Name Definition
Total # of service users who created a safety plan The total number of service users who created a safety plan. If safety plan development is not provided through your IWF-funded program, put “0”.
Total # of service users who received GBV supports or attended GBV activities The total number of service users who received GBV supports or attended GBV activities. This can include individual or group counselling, peer counselling, workshops/other training and GBV supports.
If GBV supports are not provided through your IWF-funded program, put “0”.
Total # of service users that learn new ways to cope and heal from the violence in their lives The total number of service users that learn new ways to cope and heal from the violence in their lives.
If GBV supports are not provided through your IWF-funded program, put “0”.
Total # service users that have an increased awareness of the cycle of violence, and safety and supports available The total number of service users that have an increased awareness of the cycle of violence and safety and supports available.
If GBV supports are not provided through your IWF-funded program, put “0”.
General Indicators
Service Data Name Definition
Total # of unique service users The total number of unique service users who received any supports under the IWF Program.
Total # of service users who utilized wraparound supports to access IWF program services The total number service users who accessed wraparound supports in order to participate in the IWF program programming/supports. These supports could include childcare, transportation to and from programming, food during the program day etc.
If wraparound supports are not provided through your IWF-funded program, put “0”.
Total # of service users who received systems navigation support/referrals The total number of service users who received systems navigation support. This includes referrals, case management and other connection supports provided to service users.
If systems navigation/referrals not provided through your IWF-funded program, put “0”.
Total # of service users who attended life skills and self-esteem counselling or programs The total number of service users who attended life skills and self-esteem counselling or programs (i.e. total number people who used these services).
If life skills and self-esteem counselling or programs are not provided through your IWF-funded program, put “0”.
Total # service users that have an increased knowledge of available resources and how to navigate the service system The total number of service users that have an increased knowledge of available resources and how to navigate the service system.
If system navigation/referrals are not provided through your IWF-funded program, put “0”.
Total # service users that have increased confidence, resilience and emotional well-being and ability to act towards desired change and goals The total number of service users that have increased confidence, resilience and emotional well-being and the ability to act towards desired change and goals.
If this information is not collected through your IWF-funded program, put “0”.
Economic Indicators
Service Data Name Definition
Total # service users who received employment supports The total number of service users who received employment supports. These supports could include resume writing or job readiness services.  This does not include skills training.
If employment supports are not provided through your IWF-funded program, put “0”.
Total # of service users who completed entrepreneurial/occupational skills training The total number of service users who completed the entrepreneurial/occupational skills training program regardless of if they have employment.
If entrepreneurial/occupational skills training is not provided through your IWF-funded program, put “0”.
Total # of service users who pursued further training/education following completion of occupational and entrepreneurial skills training The total number of service users who pursued further training/education following completion of occupational and entrepreneurial skills training.
If this information is not collected through your IWF-funded program, put “0”.
Total # of service users who became self-employed/employed following completion of occupational and entrepreneurial skills training The total number of service users who became self-employed/employed following completion of occupational and entrepreneurial skills training.  This can include people who began paid employment or started their own business.
If this information is not collected through your IWF-funded program, put “0”.