MNRF is responsible for Forest Management Planning in Ontario. Annual Work Schedules and annual reports for each Management Unit are publicly available on Ontario’s Forest Management Plan website.

This annual report fulfills MNRF's obligations for reporting as per D-2 of the protocol agreement for the [year] fiscal year. Figures provided in this report include annual report results from all forestry units, except for [list of forestry units not included].

Table – annual reporting template

Protocol reporting criteria Parameter Number or percent
The overall number of water crossings constructed and/or removed under the Protocol; Constructed Number or percent
The overall number of water crossings constructed and/or removed under the Protocol; Removed Number or percent
The number of water crossings constructed and/or removed for which a water crossing Standard was applied under the Protocol; and the number constructed and/or removed that were subject to review and approval under the Protocol; Constructed using a water crossing standard Number or percent
The number of water crossings constructed and/or removed for which a water crossing Standard was applied under the Protocol; and the number constructed and/or removed that were subject to review and approval under the Protocol; Removed using a water crossing standard Number or percent
The number of water crossings constructed and/or removed for which a water crossing Standard was applied under the Protocol; and the number constructed and/or removed that were subject to review and approval under the Protocol; Constructed water crossing with MNRF review Number or percent
The number of water crossings constructed and/or removed for which a water crossing Standard was applied under the Protocol; and the number constructed and/or removed that were subject to review and approval under the Protocol; Removed water crossing with MNRF review Number or percent
The percent of water crossings subject to compliance monitoring by the proponent; Total number of water crossings monitored by the proponent Number or percent
The percent of water crossings subject to compliance monitoring by the proponent; Percent of water crossings monitored by the proponent Number or percent
The percent of water crossings subject to compliance monitoring by the proponent; Total number of water crossings monitored by MNRF Number or percent
The percent of water crossings subject to compliance monitoring by the proponent; Percent of water crossings monitored by MNRF Number or percent