By the end of this chapter you should know:

  • the rules of etiquette for driving a large vehicle
  • the importance of sharing the road with other road users, especially small vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians
  • the concept of right-of-way and common situations where you must yield to other road users
  • how to identify and manage situations where your visibility may be reduced
  • how weather conditions such as rain, flooded roads, snow and ice may affect your vehicle and your ability to control it
  • what to do if your vehicle skids or if you encounter heavy snow, whiteouts or black ice
  • recognizing and sharing the road with snow-removal vehicles
  • recognizing the signs of drowsiness and the importance of not driving when drowsy
  • recognizing the signs of aggres­sive driving both in yourself and other drivers; how to avoid road rage; and what to do if you find yourself in a situation involving aggressive driving or road rage
  • how to manoeuvre your vehicle through construction zones
  • what to do if you encounter animals on the road
  • things that may distract you when driving and how to minimize those distractions
  • what to do when you encounter an emergency vehicle
  • what to do in emergency situations when your vehicle stalls or breaks down
  • how to prevent fires and basic fire-fighting techniques
  • the steps to take if you are involved in a collision with or without injuries