1002585 Ontario Inc.

Take Notice Concerning Winding Up of 1002585 Ontario Inc., Date of Incorporation: December 16, 1992, Liquidator: Robert King, 45 McGregor Crescent, Ancaster, Ontario L9G 1B3, Date Appointed: September 15, 2000.

This notice is filed under subsection 193 (4) of the Business Corporations Act. The Special Resolution requiring the Corporation to be wound up voluntarily was passed/consented to by the shareholders of the Corporation on September 15, 2000.

Dated this 29th day of September, 2000.

Robert King,
(3400) 42

1169832 Ontario Inc.

Take Notice Concerning Winding Up of 1169832 Ontario Inc., Date of Incorporation: April 17, 1996, Liquidator: Robert King, 45 McGregor Crescent, Ancaster, Ontario L9G 1B3, Date Appointed: September 15, 2000.

This notice is filed under subsection 193 (4) of the Business Corporations Act. The Special Resolution requiring the Corporation to be wound up voluntarily was passed/consented to by the shareholders of the Corporation on September 15, 2000.

Dated this 29th day of September, 2000.

Robert King,
(3401) 42

1386217 Ontario Limited

Take Notice Concerning Winding Up of 1386217 Ontario Limited, Date of Incorporation: December 2, 1999, Liquidator: Robert King, 45 McGregor Crescent, Ancaster, Ontario L9G 1B3, Date Appointed: September 15, 2000.

This notice is filed under subsection 193 (4) of the Business Corporations Act. The Special Resolution requiring the Corporation to be wound up voluntarily was passed/consented to by the shareholders of the Corporation on September 15, 2000.

Dated this 29th day of September, 2000.

Robert King,
(3402) 42

Partnership Dissolution/Changes

White, Jenkins, Duncan & Ostner

Notice Is Hereby Given that the partnership called White, Jenkins, Duncan & Ostner in which William H. White, Q.C., Wilfred D. Jenkins, Q.C., Irwin A. Duncan, Albert L. Ostner, Hilde M. English and J. David Linton are all of the partners has been dissolved effective June 19, 2000 pursuant to the Partnerships Act.

Dated at Waterloo, this 28th day of September, 2000.

White, Duncan, Ostner & Linton,
Barristers & Solicitors,
Per: J. David Linton.
(3391) 42