Niagara Co-Operative Preschool Corporation

Pursuant To Section 163(a) of the Co-operative Corporations Act of Ontario a majority of votes cast at a general meeting of the members of the Niagara Co-operative Preschool Corporation held on October 4, 1999 authorized the dissolution of the aforesaid co-operative. This notice is published herein pursuant to Section 164 of the Co-operative Corporations Act of Ontario.

Dated this 19th day of April, 2001.

The Board of Directors of Niagara Co-Operative Preschool Corporation,
St. Catharines, Ontario.

(3565) 17

Partnership Dissolution/Changes

Keeping Company

Take Notice that the partnership between Kris Guty and Lisa Vincent, carrying on business under the name and style of Keeping Company at the address of 187 Raglan Street, Renfrew, Ontario K7V 1R2, was dissolved on December 31st, 2000, pursuant to the Partnerships Act.

Dated this 12th day of April, 2001.

Joseph D. Legris,
(3566) 17