School-Age Care Association Of Ontario

Notice Is Hereby Given that School-Age Care Association of Ontario is to be wound up voluntarily pursuant to section 230(1) of the Corporations Act.

This Notice is filed pursuant to section 231(1) of the Corporations


The Special Resolution requiring the Corporation to be wound up voluntarily pursuant to section 230(1) of the Corporations Act was passed unanimously at a special meeting of the members held on the 25th day of April 2001.

The members then appointed Christine Kewell as liquidator pursuant to section 230(2) of the Corporations Act.

Dated this 25th day of April, 2001.

Beth Carson,
(3587) 19

Notice to Creditors

Estate Of Mary Heenan

All Persons Having Claims Against the Estate of Mary Heenan, late of 130 Midland Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M1N 4B2, Housewife. Who died on or about October 11, 1999 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before June 6, 2001 after which date the aforementioned Estate will be distributed by the undersigned having regard only to the claims then filed.

Dated this 23rd day of April, 2001.

Willa Joan Corse,
Estate Trustee,
Estate of Mary Heenan,
By her Solicitor:
M. Ruth Thompson
75 Cassandra Boulevard
Don Mills, Ontario M3A 1S7
(3584) 18-20