Under And By Virtue Of a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice at Guelph, Ontario, dated July 26, 2000, Court File #1512/00, to me directed, against the real and personal property of 681708 Ontario Incorporated carrying a business as George Boynton & Sons, Defendants, at the suit of Rea Truck Sales Limited, Plaintiffs, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of 681708 Ontario Incorporated carrying a business as George Boynton & Sons, Defendants, in and to:

Part of Block 2 (Westwood Farm), Registered Plan 77 designated as Parts 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8 on Plan 61R-5612 and a Portion of Block number two in Westwood Farm Registered Plan 77 in the former Town of Fergus, now in the Township of Centre Wellington, in the County of Wellington.

Municipally known as 630 St. George Street, West, Fergus, Ontario. The property is 3.15 acres with approximately 19,000 square foot industrial concrete block building.

All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of 681708 Ontario Incorporated carrying on business as George Boynton & Sons, Defendants, in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below, at the Court House, 74 Woolwich Street, Guelph, Ontario, N1H 3T9, Court Room #3 on Monday October 22, 2001 at 11:00 a.m.

The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes, and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matter relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser(s).


  • Deposit 10% of bid price or $1,000.00 whichever is greater.
    • Payable at time of sale by successful bidder
    • Deposit to be applied to purchase price
    • Deposit is non-refundable
  • Ten business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay balance in full at Enforcement Officer, 74 Woolwich Street, Guelph, Ontario.
  • All payments in cash or by certified cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance.
  • Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price.
  • Other conditions as announced.

This sale is subject to cancellation by the Sheriff without further notice up to the time of sale.

Note: No employee of The Ministry of the Attorney General may purchase, any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by a Sheriff under legal process, either directly or indirectly.

Dated this 7th day of September, 2001.

Lynne Wagner
Acting Manager of Court Operations
County of Wellington
74 Woolwich Street, Guelph, Ontario
(519) 824-4430
(3697) 37

Under And By Virtue Of a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Superior Court of Justice at 440 Kent Street West, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 6G8 dated September 14, 2000, Court File Number 00-436, to me directed, against the real and personal property of David Michael Nimigon, Defendant, at the suit of Karen Ann Nimigon, Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of David Michael Nimigon, Defendant in and to:

  1. Firstly: All that Part of Lot 11, Concession Ix, in the Township of Dysart, in the Country of Haliburton, designated as: Part 3 on a Plan of Survey deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Haliburton as Plan 19R-2967 Subject To the rights of Ontario Hydro to erect and maintain the existing pole line crossing the hereinbefore described parcel. Secondly: All the part of Lot 11, Concession Ix, in the Township of Dysart, in the County of Haliburton, designated as Part 1 on a Plan of Survey deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Haliburton as Plan 19R-3199, Plus;
  2. All that Part of Lot 11, Concession 9, in the Township of Dysart, in the County of Haliburton, designated as part 2 on Plan 19R-2939, together with rights of way unto the transferees, Plus;
  3. All that Part of Lot 12, Concession 9, in the Township of Dysart, in the County of Haliburton, designated as part 13 on Plan 19R-2953, And;
  4. All that Part of Lot 11, Concession 9, in the Township of Dysart, in the County of Haliburton, designated as Part 2 on Plan 19R-2967, Save And Except thereout and there-from all that part of Lot 11, Concession 9, in the said Township, designated as Part 1 on Plan 19R-3199, together with rights of way unto the transferees, (previously described in Instrument Number 131764).

All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of David Michael Nimigon, Defendant, in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below, at the Courthouse, 440 Kent Street West, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 6G8, on Thursday, October 18th, 2001 at 5:00 p.m.

The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes, and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matter relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser(s).


  • Deposit 10% of bid price or $1,000.00 whichever is greater.
    • Payable at time of sale by successful bidder
    • To be applied to purchase price
    • Non-refundable
  • Ten business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay balance in full at Court Enforcement Office, 440 Kent Street West, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 6G8.
  • All payments in cash or by certified cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance.
  • Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price.
  • Other conditions as announced.

This sale is subject to cancellation by the Sheriff without further notice up to the time of sale.

Note: No employee of The Ministry of the Attorney General may purchase any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by a Sheriff under legal process either directly or indirectly.

Dated this 5th day of September, 2001.

G. Wayne McNickle, (705) 324-1400 ext. 206
Sheriff ’s Officer / Court Enforcement Officer / Sheriff
440 Kent Street West, Lindsay, Ontario K9V 6G8
(Court Enforcement Office)
(3698) 37

Under And By Virtue Of a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Superior Court of Justice at Welland, Ontario, dated January 23rd, 2001, Court File Number 10,085/98, to me directed, against the real and personal property of Peter Zubko, Defendant(s), at the suit of Leon Dopke and Jean Dopke, Plaintiff(s), I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Peter Zubko, Defendant(s) in and to:

All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises sistuate lying and being composed of part of Township Lot Number 54, Township of Stamford, now City of Niagara Falls, Regional Municipality of Niagara, which said parcel is designated as Part 2 on Reference Plan No. 59R-4800. As previously described in Instrument No. 544853.

On the premises is said to be erected a single family residence bungalow, two bedroom, new vinyl siding, well maintained and built in 1947. Lot size is 49 feet by 124 feet.

Municipally known as 3269 Dorchester Road, Niagara Falls, Ontario. L2J 2Z9

All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Peter Zubko, Defendant(s), in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below, at the Court House, 102 East Main Street, in the City of Welland, in the Regional Municipality of Niagara on Thursday, October 25th, 2001 at the hour of twelve o’clock noon.

The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes, and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matter relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser(s).


  • Deposit 10% of bid price or $1,000.00 whichever is greater.
    • Payable at time of sale by successful bidder
    • To be applied to purchase price
    • Non-refundable
  • Ten business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay balance in full at Finance and Enforcement Office, Court House, 102 East Main Street, Welland, Ontario.
  • All payments in cash or by certified cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance.
  • Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price.
  • Other conditions as announced.

This sale is subject to cancellation by the Sheriff without further notice up to the time of sale.

Note: No employee of The Ministry of the Attorney General may purchase, any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by a Sheriff under legal process, either directly or indirectly.

Dated this 20th day of August, 2001.

Sheriff, Regional Municipality of Niagara at Welland
Court House, 102 East Main St
Welland, Ontario. L3B 3W6
(3699) 37