Notice To Creditors

Estate Of Vincenzo (Vincent) Tersigni

All claims against the Estate of Vincenzo (Vincent) Tersigni late of the City of Vaughan, in the Province of Ontario must be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before November 14, 2001, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the Administrator then shall have notice.

Dated at Vaughan, this 24th day of September, 2001.

Nina Tersigni, Estate Trustee of the Estate of Vincenzo Tersigni aka Vincent Tersigni by her solicitor,
Claudio Polseinelli
3700 Steeles Avenue, West
Suite 906
Woodbridge, Ontario
L4L 8K8
(3717) 40 to 42

Partnership Dissolution/Changes

Renfrew Net

Take Notice that the partnership between Ronald Arbuthnot and Alan Brown, carrying on business under the name and style of Renfrew Net at the address of 630 O’Brien Road, Renfrew, Ontario, K7V 3Z4, was dissolved on September 30th, 2001. Pursuant to the Parnerships Act.

Dated this 30th day of September, 2001.

(3730) 41