The Laurentian Club, Incorporated

Take Notice that the Members of The Laurentian Club, Incorporated at a Special Meeting duly called for the purpose and held on the 19th day of June, 2000, passed a Resolution requiring the Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Corporations Act, and appoint the under-noted individuals as Liquidators:

James Plant
3374 Carling Ave.,
Nepean, Ont.
K2H 5A9

Douglas Lazier
137 Willingdon Rd.,
Ottawa, Ont.
K1M 0C6

George Bemi
402-317 Metcalfe Street,
Ottawa, Ont.
K2P 1S3

This Notice is published pursuant to the provisions of Sub-Section 231(1) of the Corporations Act.

Douglas Lazier
(3804) 52

1413130 Ontario Inc.

Take Notice that the shareholder of 1413130 Ontario Limited passed a Special Resolution on December 19, 2001 requiring the said Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act, R.S.O 1990.

Dated this 19th day of December, 2001.

Rodney D. Hancock,
(3813) 52

1413131 Ontario Inc.

Take Notice that the shareholder of 1413131 Ontario Limited passed a Special Resolution on December 19, 2001 requiring the said Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act, R.S.O 1990.

Dated this 19th day of December, 2001.

Rodney D. Hancock,
(3814) 52