Motor Vehicle Transport Act/Truck Transportation Act

The following are applications for operating licences under the Truck Transportation Act, R.S.O 1990, Chapter T.22, and/or the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987, Chapter 35. The applicants have met the fitness requirements pursuant to Section 6 of the Truck Transportation Act and/or Section 8(2) of the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 and the provincial transport board and/or the Registrar of Motor Vehicles proposes to issue the licences if no written objection is served on the applicant and filed with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, within thirty days of this publication.

The following applicants have applied for Authority to offer a transportation service for the carriage of Goods:

Aube, Andrew, J
Lindsay, ON

Castilloux, Omer
Welland, ON

Grahame, Roy, Sydney
Owen Sound, ON

Kostrikov, Vladimir
Syosset, NY

Norcan Logistics Inc.
Cornwall, ON

Paray Express Inc.
Hampstead, QC

Rich, Michael, Gerald
Chatham, ON

Sheldrake Transport Inc.
Dunnville, ON

Tom Ort Trucking Inc.
New London, WI

Uthayakumar, Shanmugasundarm
Mississauga, ON

1471982 Ontario Limited
Frankford, ON

1505306 Ontario Inc.
Holland Landing, ON

2970-8807 Quebec Inc.
Point-Calumet, QC

9095-5725 Quebec Inc.
Ste-Melanie, QC

J. Greig Beatty