Under And By Virtue Of a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Superior Court of Justice at Orangeville, Ontario, dated Novem- ber 2, 2001, Court File Number 950/2001, Sheriffs File Number 01-1995 to me directed, against the real and personal property of Jayne Marie Banach at the suit of Canada Trustco Mortgage Company, Plaintiff(s), I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Jayne Marie Banach, Defendant(s) in and to:

The whole parcel 92-1, of section 62M-543 being lot 92, of plan 62M-543, in the City of Stoney Creek, in the Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth (formerly in the Township of Saltfleet) Munici- pally known as 29 Gatestone Drive, Stoney Creek, Ontario.

All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Jayne Marie Banach in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below at John Sopinka Court House, 45 Main Street East, Suite 126, Hamilton, Ontario, on Monday October the 28th, 2002 at 10:00 a.m.


The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matters relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser(s).


  • Deposit 10% of bid price or $1,000.00, whichever is greater
  • Payable at the time of sale by successful bidder
  • To be applied to purchase price
  • Non-refundable
  • Ten business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay balance in full at 45 Main St. E., Suite 126, Hamilton,ON L8N 2B7
  • All payments in cash or by certified cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance
  • Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price
  • Other conditions as announced

This sale is subject to cancellation by the Sheriff without further notice up to the time of sale.

Note: No employee of the Ministry of the Attorney General may pur- chase any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by a Sheriff under legal process, either directly or indirectly.

Dated this 17th day of September, 2002.

R. Laverdiere
45 Main St. East, Suite 126
Hamilton, ON L8N 2B7
(4063) 39

Under And By Virtue Of a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Ontario Court of Justice at Brampton, Ontario, dated July 31, 2002, Court File Number 200/98, Sheriffs File Number 01-1561 to me directed, against the real and personal property of Gino Frank Bossio at the suit of Dulcie M. Miranda, Plaintiff(s), I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemp- tion of Gino Frank Bossio, Defendant(s) in and to:

The Westerly twenty-six feet of Lot 12, having a depth of one hundred and seven feet (107') more or less and the Easterly ten feet (10') of Lot 11, Plan 512, City of Hamilton, in the Regional Municipality of Hamil- ton-Wentworth Municipally known as 1388 King St. East, Hamilton, Ontario.

All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Gino Frank Bossio in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below at John Sopinka Court House, 45 Main Street East, Suite 126, Hamilton, Ontario, on Monday October the 28th, 2002 at 10:00 a.m.

The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matters relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser(s).


  • Deposit 10% of bid price or $1,000.00, whichever is greater
  • Payable at the time of sale by successful bidder
  • To be applied to purchase price
  • Non-refundable
  • Ten business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay balance in full at 45 Main St. E., Suite 126, Hamilton, ON L8N 2B7
  • All payments in cash or by certified cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance
  • Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price
  • Other conditions as announced

This sale is subject to cancellation by the Sheriff without further notice up to the time of sale.

Note: No employee of the Ministry of the Attorney General may purchase any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by a Sheriff under legal process, either directly or indirectly.

Dated this 17th day of September, 2002.

R. Laverdiere
45 Main St. East, Suite 126
Hamilton, ON L8N 2B7
(4064) 39

Under And By Virtue Of a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Superior Court of Justice Small Claims Court at Hamilton, On- tario, dated August 31, 2001, Court File Number 0836/01, Sheriffs File Number 01-1741 to me directed, against the real and personal property of Joe Morrison also known as Joseph William Morrison

at the suit of Citybank Canada, Plaintiff(s), I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Joe Morrison also known as Joseph William Morrison, Defendant in and to:

Plan 927, Lot 91, City of Hamilton, formerly the Town of Ancaster, Municipally known as 61 Oakley Court, Ancaster, Ontario.

All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Joe Morrison also known as Joseph William Morrison, Defen- dant(s), in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below at John Sopinka Court House, 45 Main Street East, Suite 126, Hamilton, Ontario, on Monday October the 28th, 2002 at 10:00 a.m.

The Purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matters relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser(s).


  • Deposit 10% of bid price or $1,000.00, whichever is greater
  • Payable at the time of sale by successful bidder
  • To be applied to purchase price
  • Non-refundable
  • Ten business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay balance in full at 45 Main St. E., Suite 126, Hamilton, ON L8N 2B7
  • All payments in cash or by certified cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance
  • Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price
  • Other conditions as announced

This sale is subject to cancellation by the Sheriff without further notice up to the time of sale.

Note: No employee of the Ministry of the Attorney General may pur- chase any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by a Sheriff under legal process, either directly or indirectly.

Dated this 17th day of September, 2002.

R. Laverdiere
45 Main St. East, Suite 126
Hamilton, ON L8N 2B7
(4065) 39

Under And By Virtue Of a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice at Guelph, Ontario, dated December 12, 2000, Court File #1763/00, to me directed, against the real and personal property of Doug Mcalpine now or also known as Douglas Mcalpine and 1098806 Ontario Ltd.., Defendants, at the suit of W. Filsinger & Sons Limited c.o.b. as Cashway Building Centres, Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Doug Mcalpine now or also known as Douglas Mcalpine and 1098806 Ontario Ltd., Defendants, in and to:

Part Lot 22, Concession 6, Township of Guelph-Eramosa, County of Wellington, as in R0792773, except Part 1 on Reference Plan 61R85516. Municipally known as 5765 Sixth Line, RR #1, Rockwood, Ontario. The property is described as a single detached bungalow, on 18.8 acres.

All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Doug Mcalpine now or also known as Douglas Mcalpine and 1098806 Ontario Ltd., Defendants, in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below, at the Court House, 74 Woolwich Street, Guelph, Ontario, N1H 3T9, Court Room #2 on Tuesday October 29, 2002 at 11:00 a.m.

The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matters relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser(s).


  • Deposit 10% of bid price or $1,000.00, whichever is greater
  • Payable at the time of sale by successful bidder
  • To be applied to purchase price
  • Non-refundable
  • Ten business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay balance in full at Enforcement office, 74 Woolwich Street, Guelph, Ontario
  • All payments in cash or by certified cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance
  • Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price
  • Other conditions as announced

This sale is subject to cancellation by the Sheriff without further notice up to the time of sale.

Note: No employee of the Ministry of the Attorney General may pur- chase any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by a Sheriff under legal process, either directly or indirectly.

Dated this 28th day of September, 2002.

Lynne Wagner
Manager of Court Operations
County of Wellington
74 Woolwich Street
Guelph, Ontario
(519) 824-4430
(4066) 39