
Vide Ontario Gazette, Vol. 135-40, Page 1199, Dated October 5th, 2002.

Notice Is Hereby Given that the ad was printed incorrectly. The following is the correct ad.

Municipal Tax Sales Act
R.S.O 1990, c. M.60, s. 9 (2) (d), R.R.O 1990, Reg. 824

The Corporation Of The Municipality Of Highlands East Geographic Townships Of Bicroft, Cardiff, Glamorgan & Monmouth

Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on November 8, 2002, at Municipal Office in Lloyd Watson Centre, County Road 648, Wilberforce, Ont. K0L 3C0.

The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at Municipal Office in Lloyd Watson Centre, County Road 648, Wilberforce, Ontario.

Minimum Tender Amount(set out the cancellation price Description of Land(s) as of the first day of advertising)

Concession 2, part lot 15, Geographic Township of Monmouth, County of Haliburton,
Roll #4601601000017000000

Concession 12, part lot 25, Geographic Township of Monmouth, County of Haliburton,
Roll #4601601000688000000 .

Concession 10, part lot 35, Geographic Township of Glamorgan, County of Haliburton,
Roll #4601902000656000000

Concession 4, pt lots 1 & 2. RP19R5096, parts 9 to 11, Geographic Township of Glamorgan, County of
Haliburton, Roll #4601901000399450000 .

Concession 4, pt lot 2, RP19R37, Part 24, Geographic Township of Glamorgan, County of Haliburton,
Roll #4601901000434000000

Concession 12, part lot 12, Geographic Township of Bicroft, County of Haliburton,
Roll #4601401000417000000.

Concession 12, part lot 12, Geographic Township of Bicroft, County of Haliburton,
Roll #4601401000416000000.

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust corporation or Province of Ontario Savings Office payable to the municipality or board and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.

The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.

This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax.

Note: GST will be payable by the successful purchaser.

For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the pre- scribed form of tender, contact:

Beryl Rutter,
Deputy Treasurer
The Corporation of the Municipality of Highlands East
County Road 648, Box 295, Wilberforce, Ontario
K0L 3C0
Phone: 705-448-2981
Fax: 705-448-1027
(4074) 40

Municipal Tax Sales Act
R.S.O 1990, c. M.60, s. 9 (2) (d), R.R.O 1990, Reg. 824

The Corporation Of The Municipality Of Arran-Elderslie

Take Notice that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on November 7, 2002 at the Municipal Office, 1925 County Road #10, Chesley, Ontario N0G 1L0.

The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at the Municipal Office, 1925 County Road #10, Chesley, Ontario N0G 1L0.

Minimum Tender Amount

Description of Land(s)

Roll No. 41 03 390 002 09800, Part of Lot 10, Plan 73 in the former Town of Chesley, now Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, County of Bruce, known municipally as 117 1st Avenue SE, Chesley.

Roll No. 41 03 380 002 02000, Part of Lot 16, Concession 1, Parts 2 and 3 on Plan 3R-1722, formerly Township of Elderslie, now Municipalityof Arran-Elderslie, County of Bruce$10,115.66

Roll No. 41 03 490 001 19701, Part Lot 5, Concession 12, former Township of Arran, Part 1 on Plan 3R-3683 now Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, County of Bruce, known municipally as #244, Con 12 West, Allenford .

Roll No. 41 03 510 001 12270, PL M89, Lots 31 to 34, former Village of Tara, now Municipality of Arran- Elderslie, County of Bruce. $1,802.30

Roll No. 41 03 490 004 15200, Part of Park Lot 1,
Plan 200, former Township of Arran, now Municipality
of Arran-Elderslie, County of Bruce

Roll No. 41 03 490 004 08700, All of north 60 acres of Lot 37, Concession 13, formerly the Township of Arran, now the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, County of

Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be ac- companied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust corporation or Province of Ontario Savings Office payable to the municipality (or board) and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount.

The municipality or board makes no representation regarding the ti- tle to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.

This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act, and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax.

For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the pre- scribed form of tender contact:

Joanne Marklevitz,
Treasurer, Tax Collector
The Corporation of the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie
Municipal Office
1325 County Road # 10 Chesley, Ontario
N0G 1L0
(519) 363-3039
(4079) 41