Periodically, temporary applications are filed with the Board. Details of these applications can be made available at anytime to any interested parties by calling (416) 326-6732.

The following are applications for extra-provincial and public vehicle operating licenses filed under the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987, and the Public Vehicles Act. All information pertaining to the applicant i.e. business plan, supporting evidence, etc. is on file at the Board and is available upon request.

Any interested person who has an economic interest in the outcome of these applications may serve and file an objection within 29 days of this publication. The objector shall:

  1. complete a Notice of Objection Form,
  2. serve the applicant with the objection,
  3. file a copy of the objection and provide proof of service of the objection on the applicant with the Board,
  4. pay the appropriate fee.

Serving and filing an objection may be effected by hand delivery, mail, courier or facsimile. Serving means the date received by a party and filing means the date received by the Board.

Applications for J. I. DeNure (Chatham) Ltd., Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp., Laidlaw Transit Ltd. and Penetang-Midland Coach Lines Limited are as follows:

Explanatory Note:

  1. The following applications are part of a corporate reorganization to split the “Education Services” and “Transit and Tour Services” of both Penetang-Midland Coach Lines Limited (“Pmcl”) and J. I. DeNure (Chatham) Limited (“DeNure”).
  2. The Shares of Pmcl and DeNure, currently owned by Laidlaw Transit Ltd. (“Laidlaw”) will be transferred to Greyhound Canada Transpor- tation Corp. (“Greyhound”).
  3. Pmcl and DeNure will transfer its “Education Services” assets to Laidlaw.
  4. Pmcl and DeNure will then amalgamate under the name Penetang- Midland Coach Lines Limited.

Laidlaw Transit Ltd. is applying for those portions of the operating authorities currently in the name of Pmcl and DeNure which are used as part of its “Education Services” business and which are essential for the continued operation of that business. It is the intention that no new original rights will be created as a result of these transactions.

J. I. DeNure (Chatham) Ltd. 02244-B30
165 King St. E., Chatham, ON N7M 5K4

Applies for the approval of transfer of shares as follows:

All of the issued and outstanding shares of J. I. DeNure (Chatham) Ltd. currently owned by Laidlaw Transit Ltd., 30 Heritage Road, Markham, Ontario L3P 1M4 to Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp., 877 Grey- hound Way, S. W., Calgary, Alberta T3C 3V8.

Applies for an amendment to the following extra provincial operating licences as follows: 02244-B31

Amend X-64, X-386 (T) and X-64(T1) as follows:


“Provided that the licensee shall not operate Class “D” equipment”.

Applies for an amendment to the following public vehicle operating licences as follows: 02244-B32

Amend PV-4110, PV-1977, PV-1649, PV-2540, PV-2399, PV-2533, Pv- 2058, PV-1788, PV-1767, and PV-1503 as follows:


“Provided that the licensee shall not operate Class “D” equipment”.

Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp. 45325-X & Y 877 Greyhound Way S. W., Calgary, Alberta T3C 3V8

Applies for the approval of the transfer of extra provincial operating licences X-186 and X-66 and public vehicle operating licences PV-2004 and PV-1985 all now in the name of Grey Goose Corporation Limited, 301 Burnell Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3G 3M6.

Penetang-Midland Coach Lines Limited 18701-A46
475 Bay St., Midland, ON L4R 1L1

Applies for the approval of transfer of shares as follows:

All of the issued and outstanding shares of Penetang-Midland Coach Lines Limited currently owned by Laidlaw Transit Ltd., 30 Heritage Road, Markham, Ontario L3P 1M4 to Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp., 877 Greyhound Way, S. W., Calgary, Alberta T3C 3V8

Applies for an amendment to extra provincial operating licence X-413 as follows: 18701-A47


“Provided that the licensee shall not operate Class “D” equipment”.

Applies for an amendment to public vehicle operating licence PV-3324 as follows: 18701-A48


“Provided that the licensee shall not operate Class “D” equipment”.

Laidlaw Transit Ltd. 29594-U
30 Heritage Road, Markham, ON L3P 1M4

Applies for the approval of transfer of public vehicle (school bus) oper- ating licence PVS-6433 now in the name of Penetang-Midland Coach Lines Limited, 475 Bay Street, Midland, Ontario L4R 1L1.

29594-V, W, X, Y, Z, A1 & A2

Applies for the approval of transfer of public vehicle (school bus) operating licences PVS-6, PVS-455, PVS-1201, PVS-7163, PVS-7183, PVS-

7184 and PVS-7185 all now in the name of J. I. DeNure (Chatham) Ltd., 165 King St. E., Chatham, Ontario N7M 5K4.

Applies for a public vehicle operating licence as follows: 29594-A3

For the transportation of passengers and express freight between the following points and over the following routes:

Route 1:
between Penetanguishene and Midland via King’s Highway 93 and Simcoe County Road 2.

Route 2:
between Midland and Port McNicoll via King’s Highway 12 and Simcoe County Road 37.

Route 3:
between Port McNicoll and Victoria Harbour via Simcoe County Road 37, Concession 4 Tay Township and King’s Highway 12.

Route 4:
between Victoria Harbour and Orillia via King’s Highway 12, with permission to serve places known as Waubaushene and Village of Coldwater.

Route 5:

  1. between Midland, Perkinsfield, Wyevale, Elmvale, Wasaga Beach and Collingwood via Simcoe County Roads 25 and 6 and King’s Highways 27, 92 and 26.
  2. between Midland, Perkinsfield, Balm Beach, Ossossane Beach, Wymbolwood Beach, Bluewater Beach, Wood- land Beach, Wasaga Beach and Collingwood via Simcoe County Road 25, Tiny Township Beaches Road and King’s Highway 26.

Provided that there be no pick up or discharge of passengers be- tween and including Midland and Elmvale except at Perkinsfield and Wyevale on Simcoe County Road 6 on either Route 5(a) or 5(b).

Note: This includes a route presently operated by Penetang-Midland Coach Lines Limited pursuant to PV-3324.

Applies for an extra provincial operating licence as follows: 29594-A4

For the transportation of passengers on a chartered trip from the Cities of Sarnia and Windsor, the Counties of Grey, Lambton and Simcoe, the Districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound, the Municipality of Chatham- Kent and the Towns of Blue Mountain, Bracebridge and Gravenhurst to the Ontario/Manitoba, Ontario/Quebec and Ontario/USA border crossings for furtherance to points as authorized by the relevant jurisdiction;

  1. and for the return of the same passengers on the same chartered trip to point of origin.
    Provided that there be no pick up or discharge of passengers except at point of origin.
  2. one way chartered trip to points as authorized by the relevant jurisdiction

Provided that the licensee be restricted to the use of Class “D” public vehicles as defined in paragraph (a) (iv) of subsection 1 of Section 7 of Regulation 982 under the Public Vehicles Act, R.S.O 1990, Chapter P. 54.

Note: All of the above charter points are points from which either Penetang-Midland Coach Lines Limited and/or J. I. DeNure (Chatham) Ltd. presently are authorized to operate charters.

Applies for a public vehicle operating licence as follows: 29594-A5

For the transportation of passengers on a chartered trip from the Cities

of Sarnia and Windsor, the Counties of Grey, Lambton and Simcoe, the Districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound, the Municipality of Chatham- Kent and the Towns of Blue Mountain, Bracebridge and Gravenhurst.

Provided that the licensee be restricted to the use of Class “D” public vehicles as defined in paragraph (a) (iv) of subsection 1 of Section 7 of Regulation 982 under the Public Vehicles Act, R.S.O 1990, Chapter P. 54.

Note: All of the above charter points are points from which either Penetang-Midland Coach Lines Limited and/or J. I. DeNure (Chatham) Ltd. presently are authorized to operate charters.

Felix D’Mello
Board Secretary