Thomasfield Holdings Limited

Take Notice that the shareholder of Thomasfield Holdings Limited (the “Corporation”), at a special meeting duly called for the purpose and held on the 28th day of November, 2002, passed a special resolution requiring the Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act and appointing Thomas Krizsan of Guelph, Ontario, as liquidator.

And Further take notice that if you have any claim against the Corporation, proof of claim must be filed with the liquidator within thirty (30) days of the date of this notice, after which time the property of the above Corporation will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which the liquidator then has notice.

Dated at Guelph, Ontario, this 28th day of November, 2002.

Thomas Krizsan, Liquidator
295 Southgate Drive
Unit 1
Guelph ON N1G 3M5
(Name and Address of Liquidator)
(4150) 50

Mcduff’s Deli Ltd.

Notice Is Hereby Given that the shareholder of McDuff’s Deli Ltd. on the 28th day of November, 2002 passed a special resolution requiring the Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act and appointing Marjorie Jean Atkin, of Point Edward, Ontario, as liquidator.

Dated at Point Edward, this 28th day of November, 2002.

Thomas Atkin
(4151) 50