Distinction Learning Centre Inc.

Notice Is Hereby Given that the shareholder of Distinction Learning Centre Inc. on the 9th day of December, 2002 passed a special resolution requiring the Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act and appointing Dennis Chan and Frederick K.C. Kwan, both of the City of Toronto, as liquidators.

Dated at Toronto, this 9th day of December, 2002.

Dennis Chan Frederick K.C. Kwan
(4156) 51

Miscellaneous Notices

Irview Cemetery
Notice Of Intention To Apply For An Order To Close A Cemetery

Cemeteries Act (revised), R.S.O 1990, Chapter C4

The Fairview cemetery is located at Kent Rd. 1 in the Municipality of Leamington, Province of Ontario. The cemetery is approximately 3.61 Acres, containing 603 markers. There are 1579 known interments that occurred between 1899 and 2002.

Take Note That, pursuant to the Cemeteries Act(revised), R.S.O 1990, Chapter C4 the undersigned intends to make application for an Order closing Part of the cemetery. The reason(s) for the closure application are:

Fairview Cemetery Company wishes to sell to an abutting owner a 10" strip of land along the northeasterly boundary of the cemetery. This strip has never been used for burial and could not likely be used in the future.

Further Take Notice That the part the applicant will request the Registrar order closed is identified as:

10' strip along northeasterly limit of Reg. Plan 466 from Kent Rd. 1 extending to the lands of Penner.

Further Take Notice That interested persons may make submissions regarding the proposed application in writing to:

Registrar Cemeteries Act (Revised)

Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Cemeteries Regulation Section

250 Yonge Street, 32nd floor Toronto, ON M5B 2N5 (416) 326-8393

Further Take Notice That, submissions should be made within 45 days from January 8, 2003.

Dated at Wheatley this 13th day of December 2002.

Larry A. McDonald
P.O. Box 253 Wheatley Ont.
N0P 2P0
(519) 825-4576
(4161) 51