Municipal Act, 2001
Sale Of Land By Public Auction

The Corporation Of The Municipality Of Dutton/Dunwich

Take Notice that the land(s) described below will be offered for sale by public auction at 2:30 p.m. o’clock on the 5th day of September, 2003 at the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich office 199 Main Street Dutton Ontario.

Description of Land: Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich, County of Elgin, and being composed of Part Village Lot Number 1, in Block ‘‘C’’, in the former Village of Dutton, in the County of Elgin, according to Registered Plan Number 63, described as follows:

Commencing at the southwesterly angle of said Lot Number 1;

Thence Northerly along the westerly limit of said Lot Number 1, 54 feet to a point;

Thence Easterly parallel to the southerly limit of said Lot, said southerly limit being also the northerly limit of Shackleton Street, 62 feet to a point;

Thence Southerly parallel to the westerly limit of said Lot, 10 feet to a point;

Thence Easterly parallel to the said southerly limit of the said Lot, 70 feet to a point in the easterly limit of said Lot, said easterly limit being also the westerly limit of Main Street;

Thence Southerly along said easterly limit of said Lot, 24 feet to a point;

Thence Westerly parallel to the said southerly limit of Lot Number 1, 70 feet to a point;

Thence Southerly parallel to the westerly limit of Lot Number 1, 20 feet to a point in the southerly limit of said Lot;

Thence Westerly along the said southerly limit, 62 feet to the place of beginning.

Together With an easement as set out in Instrument Number 108074, over the Easterly 70 feet of the Northerly 22 feet of said Lot Number 1, in Block ‘‘C’’, according to registered Plan Number 63.

Being the same lands as described in registered Instrument No. 352494 registered April 27, 1994 in Registry Office No. 11 for the County of Elgin.
Minimum Bid: $24,925.38
(Set out the cancellation price as of the first day of advertising)

All amounts payable by the successful purchaser shall be payable in full at the time of the sale by cash or money order or by a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation.

Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.

This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount bid plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax.

The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser.

For further information regarding this sale, contact:

Ken Loveland,
Clerk-Treasurer, Administrator
The Corporation of the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich
199 Main Street, P.O. Box 329,
Dutton, Ontario, N0L 1J0
(519) 762-2204, Fax (519) 762-2278
(4402) 31

Municipal Act, 2001
Sale Of Land By Public Auction

The Corporation Of The Municipality Of Dutton/Dunwich

Take Notice that the land(s) described below will be offered for sale by public auction at 1:30 p.m. o’clock on the 5th day of September, 2003 at the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich office, 199 Main Street Dutton, Ontario.

Description of Land: Lot 9, Block C, East of Currie Street, Plan 57, Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich former Village of Dutton, County of Elgin as registered in Registry Office No. 11 for the County of Elgin.
Minimum Bid: $6,882.51
(Set out the cancellation price
as of the first day of advertising)

All amounts payable by the successful purchaser shall be payable in full at the time of the sale by cash or money order or by a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation.

Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.

This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount bid plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax.

The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser.

For further information regarding this sale, contact:

Ken Loveland,
Clerk-Treasurer, Administrator
The Corporation of the Municipality of
199 Main Street, P.O. Box 329
Dutton, Ontario, N0L 1J0
(519) 762-2204, Fax (519) 762-227
(4404) 31