Ontario Regulation 347/03 made under the Assessment Act

O. Reg. 347/03: General

Assessment Act

regulation filed August 25, 2003

Ontario Regulation 348/03 made under the Assessment Act

O. Reg. 348/03: General

Assessment Act

regulation filed August 25, 2003

Ontario Regulation 349/03 made under the Assessment Act

O. Reg. 349/03: General

Assessment Act

regulation filed August 25, 2003

Ontario Regulation 350/03 made under the Health Insurance Act

O. Reg. 350/03: General

Health Insurance Act

regulation filed August 25, 2003

Ontario Regulation 351/03 made under the Highway Traffic Act

O. Reg. 351/03: Speed Limits

Highway Traffic Act

regulation filed August 26, 2003

Ontario Regulation 352/03 made under the Improving Customer Service For Road Users Act, 2001

O. Reg. 352/03: Delegation Of Powers, Duties And Responsibilities

Improving Customer Service For Road Users Act, 2001

regulation filed August 28, 2003

Ontario Regulation 353/03 made under the Education Act

O. Reg. 353/03: Student Focused Funding - Legislative Grants For The 2003-2004School Board Fiscal Year

Education Act

regulation filed August 28, 2003

Ontario Regulation 354/03 made under the Education Act

O. Reg. 354/03: Calculation Of Fees For Pupils For The 2003-2004 School Board Fiscal Year

Education Act

regulation filed August 28, 2003

Ontario Regulation 355/03 made under the Education Act

O. Reg. 355/03: Reserve Funds

Education Act

regulation filed August 28, 2003

Ontario Regulation 356/03 made under the Personal Property Security Act

O. Reg. 356/03: Inability To Operate Registration System

Personal Property Security Act

regulation filed August 28, 2003

Ontario Regulation 357/03 made under the Ontario Water Resources Act

O. Reg. 357/03: Use Of Water From The Niagara Escarpment Or Oak Ridges Moraine In Manufacturing Or Production

Ontario Water Resources Act

regulation filed August 29, 2003

Ontario Regulation 358/03 made under the Municipal Elections Act, 1996

O. Reg. 358/03: Transitional Election Provisions - Town Of Midland/Township Of Tiny Annexation

Municipal Elections Act, 1996

regulation filed August 29, 2003

Ontario Regulation 359/03 made under the Planning Act

O. Reg. 359/03: Zoning Area - Town Of Fort Erie

Planning Act

regulation filed August 29, 2003