Take Notice Concerning Winding Up of PPCWORLD Inc. Date of incorporation: August 31, 2000. Liquidator, Bdo Dunwoody Lim- Ited, 252 Pall Mall Street, London, Ontario, N6A 5P6. Appointed December 5, 2003.

Pursuant to subsection 205 (2) of the Business Corporations Act, on the expiration of three months after the date of filing of this notice, the corporation is dissolved.


This notice is filed under subsection 210 (4) of the Business Corporations Act. The court has appointed the above named as the liquidator(s) of the corporation.

Chester Szypula
(4564) 51

Partnership Dissolution/Changes

Griffiths McBurney & Partners

Notice Is Hereby Given that the partnership carried on under the name and style of Griffiths McBurney & Partners, at 145 King Street West, Suite 1100, Toronto, Ontario was dissolved effective December 9, 2003 pursuant to the Partnerships Act.

Dated at Toronto, this 10th day of December, 2003.

Kevin Sullivan
(4562) 51

Miscellaneous Notices

Notice – Courtney Stewart (Plaintiff) – and – Jeff Noon and Dawn Slade (Defendants): Pursuant to the Order of the Honourable Justice Lofchick dated December 9, 2003, the Statement of Claim for the matter between Courtney Stewart (Plaintiff) v. Jeff Noon and Dawn Slade (Defendants), Court File No. 130/03, shall be served by means of substituted service, specifically by means of ordinary mail addressed to 228 Prospect Ave., Port Stanley, ON and advertisement of such Notice on one occasion in the London Free Press Newspaper and Ontario Gazette.

Dated this 10th day of December, 2003

(4559) 51

Pitney-Bowes Employees (Toronto) Credit Union Limited

Notice Is Hereby Given that the membership of Pitney-Bowes Employees (Toronto) Credit Union Limited passed a special resolution on December 9, 2003 to wind-up the credit union pursuant to the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994. At the same meeting, the members appointed the Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario as Liquidator of the estate and effects of the Credit Union.

Dated this 11th day of December, 2003

Pitney-Bowes Employees (Toronto)
Credit Union Limited, in Liquidation
by its Liquidator
Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario

(4563) 51