V T Entertainment Inc. - Ontario Corporation No. 1234971

Take Notice Concerning Winding Up Of V T Entertainment

Inc., Date of Incorporation: April 26, 1997, Liquidator: Neil Vosburgh, Address: 300 – 86 John Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2E1, Appointed: September 27, 2005.

This notice is filed under subsection 193(4) of the Business Corporations Act. The Special Resolution requiring the Corporation to be wound up voluntarily was consented to by the shareholders of the Corporation on September 27, 2005.

And further take notice that if you have any claim against the Corporation, proof of claim must be filed with the liquidator within thirty days of the date of this notice, after which time the property of the above Corporation will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which the liquidator then has notice.

Dated at Toronto, this 28th day of September, 2005.

Neil Vosburgh

Pitney-Bowes Employees’ (Toronto) Credit Union Limited

In The Matter of the winding-up of Pitney-Bowes Employees’ (Toronto) Credit Union Limited, pursuant to Sections 298 and 299 of the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994.

We, Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario hereby give notice that:

  1. We are the liquidator of the estate and effects of Pitney-Bowes Employees’ (Toronto) Credit Union Limited appointed by the members and shareholders of the Credit Union at a duly called meeting for that purpose held on December 9, 1993.
  2. The Credit Union has, within the prescribed 20 day period, published notice of the resolution in The Ontario Gazette and in a newspaper having a general circulation in the locality in which the registered Head Office of the Credit Union is situated.
  3. The voluntary winding-up of the Credit Union has been completed and an account of the winding-up of its affairs and disposition of its property together with an explanation was laid before the members and shareholders in accordance with the by-laws of the credit union at the first Final Liquidator’s meeting held on September 7, 2005 at which a quorum was not present and thus the meeting was adjourned. A second Final Liquidator’s meeting was held on September 21, 2005 to table the same.
  4. The voluntary winding-up of the affairs has been conducted in accordance with the requirements of sections 298 and 299 of the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994, and the conditions contained in the articles and by-laws of the credit union.

Subject to Section 299, Subsection (3), Pitney-Bowes Employees’ (Toronto) Credit Union Limited is dissolved 3 months after the date this notice is filed.

Dated this 28th day of September, 2005, at the City of Toronto

Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario
In its capacity as liquidator of Pitney-Bowes
Employees’ (Toronto) Credit Union Limited

Polish Alliance (Toronto) Credit Union Limited

In The Matter of the winding-up of Polish Alliance (Toronto) Credit Union Limited, pursuant to Sections 298 and 299 of the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994.

We, Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario hereby give notice that:

  1. We are the liquidator of the estate and effects of Polish Alliance (Toronto) Credit Union Limited appointed by the members and shareholders of the Credit Union at a duly called meeting for that purpose held on June 9, 1993.
  2. The Credit Union has, within the prescribed 20 day period, published notice of the resolution in The Ontario Gazette and in a newspaper having a general circulation in the locality in which the registered Head Office of the Credit Union is situated.
  3. The voluntary winding-up of the Credit Union has been completed and an account of the winding-up of its affairs and disposition of its property together with an explanation was laid before the members and shareholders in accordance with the by-laws of the credit union at the first Final Liquidator’s meeting held on September 6, 2005 at which a quorum was not present and thus the meeting was adjourned. A second Final Liquidator’s meeting was held on September 27, 2005 to table the same.
  4. The voluntary winding-up of the affairs has been conducted in accordance with the requirements of sections 298 and 299 of the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994, and the conditions contained in the articles and by-laws of the credit union.

Subject to Section 299, Subsection (3), Polish Alliance (Toronto) Credit Union Limited is dissolved 3 months after the date this notice is filed.

Dated this 28th day of September, 2005, at the City of Toronto

Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario
In its capacity as liquidator of Polish Alliance
(Toronto) Credit Union Limited

Victory (London) Credit Union Limited

In The Matter of the winding-up of Victory (London) Credit Union Limited, pursuant to Sections 298 and 299 of the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994.

We, Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario hereby give notice that:

  1. We are the liquidator of the estate and effects of Victory (London) Credit Union Limited appointed by the members and shareholders of the Credit Union at a duly called meeting for that purpose held on January 9, 2001.
  2. The Credit Union has, within the prescribed 20 day period, published notice of the resolution in The Ontario Gazette and in a newspaper having a general circulation in the locality in which the registered Head Office of the Credit Union is situated.
  3. The voluntary winding-up of the Credit Union has been completed and an account of the winding-up of its affairs and disposition of its property together with an explanation was laid before the members and shareholders in accordance with the by-laws of the credit union at the first Final Liquidator’s meeting held on September 14, 2005 at which a quorum was not present and thus the meeting was adjourned. A second Final Liquidator’s meeting was held on September 26, 2005 to table the same.
  4. The voluntary winding-up of the affairs has been conducted in accordance with the requirements of sections 298 and 299 of the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994, and the conditions contained in the articles and by-laws of the credit union.

Subject to Section 299, Subsection (3), Victory (London) Credit Union Limited is dissolved 3 months after the date this notice is filed.

Dated this 28th day of September, 2005, at the City of Toronto

Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario
In its capacity as liquidator of Victory (London)
Credit Union Limited

Weston Employees’ (Kitchener) Credit Union Limited

In The Matter of the winding-up of Weston Employees’ (Kitchener) Credit Union Limited, pursuant to Sections 298 and 299 of The Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994.

We, Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario hereby give notice that:

  1. We are the liquidator of the estate and effects of Weston Employees’ (Kitchener) Credit Union Limited appointed by the members and shareholders of the Credit Union at a duly called meeting for that purpose held on April 27, 1995.
  2. The Credit Union has, within the prescribed 20 day period, published notice of the resolution in The Ontario Gazette and in a newspaper having a general circulation in the locality in which the registered Head Office of the Credit Union is situated
  3. The voluntary winding-up of the Credit Union has been completed and an account of the winding-up of its affairs and disposition of its property together with an explanation was laid before the members and shareholders in accordance with the by-laws of the credit union at the first Final Liquidator’s meeting held on September 8, 2005 at which a quorum was not present and thus the meeting was adjourned. A second Final Liquidator’s meeting was held on September 22, 2005 to table the same.
  1. The voluntary winding-up of the affairs has been conducted in accordance with the requirements of sections 298 and 299 of the Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act, 1994, and the conditions contained in the articles and by-laws of the credit union.

Subject to Section 299, Subsection (3), Weston Employees’ (Kitchener) Credit Union Limited is dissolved 3 months after the date this notice is filed.

Dated this 28th day of September, 2005, at the City of Toronto

Deposit Insurance Corporation of Ontario
In its capacity as liquidator of Weston
Employees’ (Kitchener) Credit Union Limited