UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Superior Court of Justice at Picton, Ontario dated April 18, 1994 Court File Number 4026-94 to me directed, against the real and personal property of Philmore Cane Defendant, at the suit of Quintevue Leasing Inc., Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Philmore Cane, Defendant in and to:

Part of Lots 18 and 19, Stinson Block, Registered Plan No. 1, Township of Hillier, County of Prince Edward, designated Parts 1, 2 and 3 on Plan 47R 4540. Part as previously described in Instrument 25074.

All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Philmore Cane, Defendant, in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below at, Superior Court of Justice 44 Union Street, Picton, On K0K 2T0 on Tuesday, February 28, 2006 at 1:00 p.m.


The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes, and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matter relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser(s).


  • Deposit 10% of bid price or $1,000.00, whichever is greater
  • Payable at time of sale by successful bidder
  • To be applied to purchase price
  • Non-refundable
  • Ten business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay balance in full at Superior Court of Justice 44 Union Street Picton, ON K0K 2T0
  • All payments in cash or by certified cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance
  • Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price
  • Other conditions as announced


Note: No employee of the Ministry of the Attorney General may purchase any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by a Sheriff under legal process, either directly or indirectly.

DATE January 10th, 2006

Bonnie Gryce
Superior Court of Justice
235 Pinnacle Street
Belleville, ON K8N 3A9

UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Superior Court of Justice at Milton dated May 20 2004, Court File Number (04-1712), to me directed, against the real and personal property of William Norman Gary Deathe, Defendant, at the suit of the 3925200 Canada Inc, Plaintiff. I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of William Norman Gary Deathe, Defendant in and to:

In the City of Hamilton, described as Parcel 23-5, Section M-10, designated as Part 6 on Plan 62R-332. Land Titles Division of Wentworth (No. 62) [at Hamilton] Town of Flamborough. Regional Municipality of Hamilton-Wentworth. The property is municipally known as 50 George Street, Waterdown, Ontario.

All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of William Norman Gary Deathe Defendant, in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below at, John Sopinka Court House, 45 Main Street East, Ste 126, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 2B7, on Tuesday February 28, 2006 at 11:30 a.m.


The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes, and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matter relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser(s).


  • Deposit 10% of bid price or $1,000.00, whichever is greater
  • Payable at time of sale by successful bidder
  • To be applied to purchase price
  • Non-refundable
  • Ten business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay balance in full at 45 Main Street East, Suite 126, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 2B7
  • All payments in cash or by certified cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance
  • Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price
  • Other conditions as announced


No employee of the Ministry of the Attorney General may purchase any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by a Sheriff under legal process, either directly or indirectly.

DATE January 11, 2006

Linda Dembe, Sheriff
45 Main Street East, Suite 126
Hamilton, Ontario, L8N 2B7

Under And By Virtue Of a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Superior Court of Justice at Hamilton dated July 6, 2001, Court File Number (01-1355), to me directed, against the real and personal property of Donald Duggan Defendant, at the suit of Donald J. Wallace and Debbie J. Wallace, Plaintiff(s), I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Donald Duggan, Defendant in and to:

In the City of Hamilton, in the Regional Municipality of Hamilton- Wentworth, and being part of Lot Number 11 in the Eighth Concession of the Township of Barton (now City of Hamilton) and being more particularly described as follows, that is to say: commencing at a point in the south limit of said Lot Number 11, distant westerly from the southeast corner of said Lot Number 11, 1,221 feet; Thence North 19 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds east, 17 feet to the place of beginning of the herein described parcel of land; Thence North 19 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds east, 143 feet; Thence westerly and parallel to the south limit of said Lot Number 11, a distance of 75 feet; Thence South 19 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds west, 143 feet to a point in the northerly limit of the Barton and Glanford Road as widened as shown on Plan 761 Miscellaneous; Thence easterly in and along the northerly limit of the said road as widened, 75 feet to the place of beginning. The within lands are the same lands as described in instrument 408100CD. The property is municipally known as 341 Rymal Road East, Hamilton, Ontario.

All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Donald Duggan, Defendant, in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below at, John Sopinka Court House, 45 Main Street East, Ste 126, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 2B7, on Tuesday February 28, 2006 at 9:30 a.m.


The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes, and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matter relating to the interest to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser(s).


  • Deposit 10% of bid price or $1,000.00, whichever is greater
  • Payable at time of sale by successful bidder
  • To be applied to purchase price
  • Non-refundable
  • Ten business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay balance in full at 45 MAIN STREET EAST, SUITE 126, HAMILTON, ONTARIO L8N 2B7
  • All payments in cash or by certified cheque made payable to the Minister of Finance
  • Deed Poll provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price
  • Other conditions as announced


No employee of the Ministry of the Attorney General may purchase any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by a Sheriff under legal process, either directly or indirectly.

DATE January 11, 2006

Linda Dembe, Sheriff
45 Main Street East, Suite 126
Hamilton, Ontario, L8N 2B7