Ontario Regulation 366/06 made under the Community Care Access Corporations Act, 2001

O. Reg. 366/06: Establishment of Corporations

Community Care Access Corporations Act, 2001

regulation filed August 1, 2006

Ontario Regulation 367/06 made under the Municipal Act, 2001

O. Reg. 367/06: Tax Matters-Special Tax Rates and Limits, 2003 and Later Years

Municipal Act, 2001

regulation filed August 1, 2006

Ontario Regulation 368/06 made under the Highway Traffic Act

O. Reg. 368/06: Community Safety Zones

Highway Traffic Act

regulation filed August 3, 2006

Ontario Regulation 369/06 made under the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, 2001

O. Reg. 369/06: Hearings Conducted by a Hearing Officer

Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Act, 2001

regulation filed August 3, 2006