Ontario Regulation 369/07 made under the Ontario College Of Teachers Act, 1996

O. Reg. 369/07: General

Ontario College Of Teachers Act, 1996

regulation filed July 23, 2007

Ontario Regulation 370/07 made under the Ontario College Of Teachers Act, 1996

O. Reg. 370/07: Public Interest Committee - Members

Ontario College Of Teachers Act, 1996

regulation filed July 23, 2007

Ontario Regulation 371/07 made under the Municipal Act, 2001

O. Reg. 371/07: Municipal Services Corporations

Municipal Act, 2001

regulation filed July 23, 2007

Ontario Regulation 372/07 made under the Ontario Water Resources Act

O. Reg. 372/07: Wells

Ontario Water Resources Act

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 373/07 made under the Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

O. Reg. 373/07: Oaths And Affirmations

Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 374/07 made under the Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

O. Reg. 374/07: Public Bodies And Commission Public Bodies - Definitions

Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 375/07 made under the Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

O. Reg. 375/07: Public Bodies And Commission Public Bodies - Ethics Executive For Certain Public Servants

Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 376/07 made under the Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

O. Reg. 376/07: Delegation By Public Service Commission Under Subsection 44 (4) Of The Act

Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 377/07 made under the Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

O. Reg. 377/07: Political Activity: Specially Restricted Public Servants

Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 378/07 made under the Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

O. Reg. 378/07: Public Service Grievance Board: Complaints And Hearings

Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 379/07 made under the Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

O. Reg. 379/07: Suspension Pending Investigation (Part Iii Of The Act)

Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 380/07 made under the Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

O. Reg. 380/07: Dismissal Without Cause (Part Iii Of The Act)

Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 381/07 made under the Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

O. Reg. 381/07: Conflict Of Interest Rules For Public Servants Ministry And Former Public Servants Ministry

Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 382/07 made under the Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

O. Reg. 382/07: Conflict Of Interest Rules For Public Servants Ministers' Offices And Former Public Servants Ministers' Offices

Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 383/07 made under the Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

O. Reg. 383/07: Ethics Executive: Additional Powers, Duties And Functions Under Part Iv Of The Act

Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 384/07 made under the Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

O. Reg. 384/07: Conflict Of Interest Commissioner: Powers, Duties And Functions

Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 385/07 made under the Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

O. Reg. 385/07: Provision Of Legal Services Under Section 147 Of The Act

Public Service Of Ontario Act, 2006

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 386/07 made under the Crown Employees Collective Bargaining Act, 1993

O. Reg. 386/07: Prescribed Agencies, Crown As Employer

Crown Employees Collective Bargaining Act, 1993

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 387/07 made under the Pay Equity Act

O. Reg. 387/07: Prescribed Bodies, Crown As Employer

Pay Equity Act

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 388/07 made under the Farm Products Marketing Act

O. Reg. 388/07: Greenhouse Vegetables - Plan

Farm Products Marketing Act

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 389/07 made under the Farm Products Marketing Act

O. Reg. 389/07: Turkeys - Plan

Farm Products Marketing Act

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 390/07 made under the Milk Act

O. Reg. 390/07: Milk and Farm-Separated Cream - Plan

Milk Act

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 391/07 made under the Farm Products Marketing Act

O. Reg. 391/07: Asparagus - Plan

Farm Products Marketing Act

regulation filed July 25, 2007

Ontario Regulation 392/07 made under the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998

O. Reg. 392/07: Smart Meters: Cost Recovery

Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998

regulation filed July 26, 2007

Ontario Regulation 393/07 made under the Electricity Act, 1998

O. Reg. 393/07: Designation Of Smart Metering Entity

Electricity Act, 1998

regulation filed July 26, 2007

Ontario Regulation 394/07 made under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002

O. Reg. 394/07: General

Nutrient Management Act, 2002

regulation filed July 26, 2007

Ontario Regulation 395/07 made under the Environmental Protection Act

O. Reg. 395/07: General - Waste Management

Environmental Protection Act

regulation filed July 26, 2007

Ontario Regulation 396/07 made under the Ontario Water Resources Act

O. Reg. 396/07: Approval Exemptions

Ontario Water Resources Act

regulation filed July 26, 2007

Ontario Regulation 397/07 made under the City Of Ottawa Act, 1999

O. Reg. 397/07: Transition Board - Other Powers and Duties

City Of Ottawa Act, 1999

regulation filed July 26, 2007

Ontario Regulation 398/07 made under the Veterinarians Act

O. Reg. 398/07: General

Veterinarians Act

regulation filed July 26, 2007

Ontario Regulation 399/07 made under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002

O. Reg. 399/07: Drinking Water Systems

Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002

regulation filed July 26, 2007

Ontario Regulation 400/07 made under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002

O. Reg. 400/07: Schools, Private Schools and Day Nurseries

Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002

regulation filed July 26, 2007

Ontario Regulation 401/07 made under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002

O. Reg. 401/07: Drinking Water Testing Services

Safe Drinking Water Act, 2002

regulation filed July 26, 2007

Ontario Regulation 402/07 made under the Professional Engineers Act

O. Reg. 402/07: General

Professional Engineers Act

regulation filed July 26, 2007

Ontario Regulation 403/07 made under the Health Insurance Act

O. Reg. 403/07: General

Health Insurance Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 404/07 made under the Health Insurance Act

O. Reg. 404/07: General

Health Insurance Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 405/07 made under the Highway Traffic Act

O. Reg. 405/07: Hours of Service

Highway Traffic Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 406/07 made under the Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators Act, 2006

O. Reg. 406/07: Regulated Activities: Additional Prescribed Activities

Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators Act, 2006

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 407/07 made under the Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators Act, 2006

O. Reg. 407/07: Exemptions From The Requirements To Be Licensed

Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators Act, 2006

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 408/07 made under the Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators Act, 2006

O. Reg. 408/07: Mortgage Brokerages: Licensing

Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators Act, 2006

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 409/07 made under the Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators

O. Reg. 409/07: Mortgage Brokers And Agents: Licensing

Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators Act, 2006

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 410/07 made under the Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators Act, 2006

O. Reg. 410/07: Principal Brokers: Eligibility, Powers And Duties

Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators Act, 2006

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 411/07 made under the Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators Act, 2006

O. Reg. 411/07: Mortgage Administrators: Licensing

Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators Act, 2006

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 412/07 made under the Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators

O. Reg. 412/07: Reporting Requirements For Licensees

Mortgage Brokerages, Lenders And Administrators Act, 2006

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 413/07 made under the Pension Benefits Act

O. Reg. 413/07: General

Pension Benefits Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 414/07 made under the Co-Operative Corporations Act

O. Reg. 414/07: General

Co-Operative Corporations Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 415/07 made under the Financial Services Commission Of Ontario Act, 1997

O. Reg. 415/07: Assessment Of Expenses And Expenditures

Financial Services Commission Of Ontario Act, 1997

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 416/07 made under the Pension Benefits Act

O. Reg. 416/07: General

Pension Benefits Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 417/07 made under the Public Lands Act

O. Reg. 417/07: Land Use Permits

Public Lands Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 418/07 made under the Fish And Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997

O. Reg. 418/07: Fish Licensing

Fish And Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 419/07 made under the Fish And Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997

O. Reg. 419/07: Hunting

Fish And Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 420/07 made under the Health Protection And Promotion Act

O. Reg. 420/07: Communicable Diseases - General

Health Protection And Promotion Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 421/07 made under the Health Protection And Promotion Act

O. Reg. 421/07: Exemption - Subsection 39 (1) of the Act

Health Protection And Promotion Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 422/07 made under the Health Protection And Promotion Act

O. Reg. 422/07: Control of West Nile Virus

Health Protection And Promotion Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 423/07 made under the Public Hospitals Act

O. Reg. 423/07: Hospital Management

Public Hospitals Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 424/07 made under the Health Insurance Act

O. Reg. 424/07: General

Health Insurance Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 425/07 made under the Laboratory And Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act

O. Reg. 425/07: Laboratories

Laboratory And Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 426/07 made under the Health Protection And Promotion Act

O. Reg. 426/07: Reports

Health Protection And Promotion Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 427/07 made under the Planning Act

O. Reg. 427/07: Zoning Area - Regional Municipality of Durham , Part of the City of Pickering

Planning Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 428/07 made under the Highway Traffic Act

O. Reg. 428/07: Speed Limits

Highway Traffic Act

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 429/07 made under the Accessibility For Ontarians With Disabilities Act, 2005

O. Reg. 429/07: Accessibility Standards For Customer Service

Accessibility For Ontarians With Disabilities Act, 2005

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 430/07 made under the Accessibility For Ontarians With Disabilities Act, 2005

O. Reg. 430/07: Exemption From Reporting Requirements

Accessibility For Ontarians With Disabilities Act, 2005

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 431/07 made under the Electricity Act, 1998

O. Reg. 431/07: Procurement Contracts

Electricity Act, 1998

regulation filed July 27, 2007

Ontario Regulation 432/07 made under the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998

O. Reg. 432/07: Prescribed Contracts Re Sections 78.3 And 78.4 Of The Act

Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998

regulation filed July 27, 2007