Ontario Regulation 90/08 made under the Assessment Act

O. Reg. 90/08: General

Assessment Act

regulation filed April 16, 2008

Ontario Regulation 91/08 made under the Assessment Act

O. Reg. 91/08: Deadline for 2007 for By-Laws Adopting Optional Classes

Assessment Act

regulation filed April 16, 2008

Ontario Regulation 92/08 made under the Electricity Act

O. Reg. 92/08: Taxes And Charges On Hydro-Electric Generating Stations

Electricity Act, 1998

regulation filed April 16, 2008

Ontario Regulation 93/08 made under the City Of Toronto Act

O. Reg. 93/08: Traditional Municipal Taxes, Limits And Collection

City Of Toronto Act, 2006

regulation filed April 16, 2008

Ontario Regulation 94/08 made under the Highway Traffic Act

O. Reg. 94/08: Highway Closings

Highway Traffic Act

regulation filed April 16, 2008

Ontario Regulation 95/08 made under the Highway Traffic Act

O. Reg. 95/08: Community Safety Zones

Highway Traffic Act

regulation filed April 17, 2008

Ontario Regulation 96/08 made under the Consolidated Hearings Act

O. Reg. 96/08: Aggregate Resources Act

Consolidated Hearings Act

regulation filed April 17, 2008

Ontario Regulation 97/08 made under the Energy Conservation Leadership Act

O. Reg. 97/08: Designation Of Goods, Services And Technologies

Energy Conservation Leadership Act, 2006

regulation filed April 17, 2008

Ontario Regulation 98/08 made under the Ministry Of Government Services Act

O. Reg. 98/08: Service Provider Organizations - ServiceOntario

Ministry Of Government Services Act

regulation filed April 18, 2008

Ontario Regulation 99/08 made under the Health Protection And Promotion Act

O. Reg. 99/08: Food Premises

Health Protection And Promotion Act

regulation filed April 18, 2008