Periodically, temporary applications are filed with the Board. Details of these applications can be made available at anytime to any interested parties by calling (416) 326-6732.

The following are applications for extra-provincial and public vehicle operating licenses filed under the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987, and the Public Vehicles Act. All information pertaining to the applicant i.e. business plan, supporting evidence, etc. is on file at the Board and is available upon request.

Any interested person who has an economic interest in the outcome of these applications may serve and file an objection within 29 days of this publication. The objector shall:

  1. complete a Notice of Objection Form,
  2. serve the applicant with the objection,
  3. file a copy of the objection and provide proof of service of the objection on the applicant with the Board,
  4. pay the appropriate fee.

Serving and filing an objection may be effected by hand delivery, mail, courier or facsimile. Serving means the date received by a party and filing means the date received by the Board.

Autobus Bergeron Bus Lines Inc. 45442-D
1801 Russland Road, Vars, ON K0A 3H0

Applies for an amendment to extra-provincial operating licence X-1378, as follows:


"III. For the transportation of passengers and express freight on a scheduled service from those points described on the routes set forth below to the Ontario/Québec border for furtherance to the City of Hull and return:

  1. Route 1
    Commencing at a place known as Marionville in the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton via Regional Road No. 41 to its intersection with Route 300 in the Township of Russell; thence to the Police Village of Russell via Route 300 in the Township of Russell; thence via County Road No. 6 in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell to a place known as North Russell; thence via Route 100 from a place known as North Russell to a place known as Pana situate on Regional Road No. 41; thence via Regional Road No. 41, to its intersection with King’s Highway No. 417;

    Provided That:

    1. the licensee shall be restricted to the use of Class “D” public vehicles;
    2. there shall be no pick-up and discharge of passengers within the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton west of the intersection of Regional Road 41 and King’s Highway No. 47.
  2. Route 2
    Commencing at the Police Village of Limoges situate on County Road No. 5 and the boundary between the Townships of Cambridge and Russell, in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell; thence via County Road No. 5 to its intersection with County Road No. 3; thence west on County Road No. 3 to its intersection with County Road No. 17; thence north via County Road No. 17 to its intersection with King’s Highway No. 417;

    Provided That:

    1. the licensee shall be restricted to the use of Class “D” public vehicles;
    2. there shall be no pick-up and discharge of passengers within the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton west of the intersection of Regional Road 41 and King’s Highway No. 47.
  3. Route 3
    To serve all points on Regional Road 28 and 30 in the Township of Cumberland Between and including a place known as Sarsfield and the intersection of Regional Road No. 30 with Page Street on the one hand and the City of Hull on the other hand as authorized by the Province of Quebec.

    Provided That:

    1. the licensee shall be restricted to the use of Class “D” public vehicles;
    2. there shall be no pick-up and discharge of passengers within the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton west of the intersection of Regional Road 41 and King’s Highway No. 47.”

Substitute The Following:

"III. For the transportation of passengers, their baggage and express freight on a scheduled service between those points set forth below and the Ontario/Québec border, via the City of Ottawa and all intermediate points, for furtherance to the City of Gatineau, Québec:

  1. the Township of Russell in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell;
  2. the Community of Limoges (situated on County Road No. 5 partly in the Municipality of The Nation and partly in the Township of Russell) within the United Counties of Prescott and Russell;

Provided that there shall be no pickup of passengers onto westbound routes within the City of Ottawa, and no discharge of passengers from eastbound routes within the City of Ottawa.”


"IV. For the transportation of passengers on a chartered trip to the Ontario/Quebec and Ontario/USA borders for furtherance in one way and round-trip transportation services from all points served by the Applicant in current and proposed public vehicle scheduled services which points are more particularly described as follows:

  1. The Townships of Russell and Cambridge in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell;
  2. The Townships of Osgoode and Cumberland and the Cities of Gloucester and Ottawa in the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton;

Provided That:

  1. the applicant be restricted to the operation of Class “D” public vehicles.
  2. there be no pick-up or discharge of passengers except at point of origin.”

Substitute The Following:

"IV. For the transportation of passengers on a chartered trip to the Ontario/Québec and Ontario/USA borders, for furtherance on one-way and round-trip transportation services from all points served by the Applicant in current and proposed extra-provincial scheduled services including, without limitation, the following:

  1. The Township of Russell in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell;
  2. The Municipality of The Nation in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell; and
  3. The City of Ottawa.”


Applies for a public vehicle operating licence as follows:

For the transportation of passengers, their baggage and express freight on a scheduled service:

  1. between points within the Township of Russell in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell on the one hand, and points within the City of Ottawa on the other hand, and all intermediate points;
  2. between points within the Community of Limoges (situated on County Road No. 5 partly in the Municipality of The Nation and partly in the Township of Russell) within the United Counties of Prescott and Russell on the one hand, and the City of Ottawa on the other hand, and all intermediate points;

Provided that there shall be no pickup of passengers onto westbound routes within the City of Ottawa, and no discharge of passengers from eastbound routes within the City of Ottawa.

Also applies:

For the transportation of passengers on a chartered trip from all points served by the Applicant in current and proposed public vehicle scheduled services including, without limitation, the following:

  1. The Township of Russell in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell;
  2. The Municipality of The Nation in the United Counties of Prescott and Russell; and
  3. The City of Ottawa,

Provided that the terms of Public Vehicle Licence No. Pv-2954 be cancelled.

Felix D’Mello
Board Secretary