Partnership Dissolution

The Phenomenal View

Notice Is Hereby Given that Gail James and Sherri Skeans (also known as Sherri Nesbitt), carrying on business as a partnership under the name “The Phenomenal View” shall be dissolved effective February 11, 2009, pursuant to the Partnerships Act.

Dated at Orangeville, this 11th day of February 2009.

Gail James,
The Phenomenal View

Notice Of Intention To Dissolve

Notice Is Hereby Given that Magna Aftermarket Inc. intends to dissolve pursuant to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario).

Dated at Aurora, Ontario as of the 17th day of February, 2009.

Jeffrey O. Palmer
Executive Vice-President

Notice Of Intention To Dissolve

Notice Is Hereby Given that Frank’s Energy Drink Inc. intends to dissolve pursuant to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario).

Dated at Aurora, Ontario as of the 17th day of February, 2009.

Jeffrey O. Palmer
Executive Vice-President

Notice Of Intention To Dissolve

Notice Is Hereby Given that G-Mag International Inc. intends to dissolve pursuant to the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario).

Dated at Aurora, Ontario as of the 17th day of February, 2009.

Jeffrey O. Palmer
Executive Vice-President

Bronte Butterfly Foundation

Take Notice that the directors of Bronte Butterfly Foundation (the “Corporation”), there being no members, at a special meeting duly called for the purpose and held on the 13th day of February, 2009, passed a special resolution requiring the Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Corporations Act, R.S.O 1990, c. C. 38, and appointing Barry Wylie, C.A., as liquidator.

And Further Take Notice that if you have any claim against the Corporation, proof of claim must be filed with the liquidator within thirty (30) days of the date of this notice, after which time the property of the above Corporation will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which the liquidator then has notice.

Dated at Oakville, this 13th day of February, 2009.

Barry Wylie, C.A., Liquidator
1189 Rosethorne Road
Oakville, Ontario L6M 1H5

Notice Is Hereby Given that Northwestern Ontario Asthma Clinic intends to dissolve pursuant to the Corporations Act , R.S.O 1990, c. C.38.

Dated this 1st day of December, 2008 .

Lesley Brown