Ontario Regulation 318/09 made under the Highway Traffic Act

O. Reg. 318/09: Extending Time Periods In Ontario Regulation 340/94 Relating To Driver'S Licences

Highway Traffic Act

regulation filed August 24, 2009

Ontario Regulation 319/09 made under the Conservation Authorities Act

O. Reg. 319/09: Quinte Conservation Authority: Regulation Of Development, Interference With Wetlands And Alterations To Shorelines And Watercourses

Conservation Authorities Act

regulation filed August 24, 2009

Ontario Regulation 320/09 made under the Waste Diversion Act, 2002

O. Reg. 320/09: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

Waste Diversion Act, 2002

regulation filed August 25, 2009

Ontario Regulation 321/09 made under the Pension Benefits Act

O. Reg. 321/09: General Motors Pension Plans

Pension Benefits Act

regulation filed August 25, 2009

Ontario Regulation 322/09 made under the Pension Benefits Act

O. Reg. 322/09: General

Pension Benefits Act

regulation filed August 25, 2009