Ontario Regulation 395/09 made under the Electricity Act, 1998

O. Reg. 395/09: Transfer Tax on Municipal Electricity Property

Electricity Act, 1998

regulation filed October 19, 2009

Ontario Regulation 396/09 made under the Ontario Planning And Development Act, 1994

O. Reg. 396/09: County Of Halton (Now The Regional Municipality Of Halton), City Of Burlington

Ontario Planning And Development Act, 1994

regulation filed October 20, 2009

Ontario Regulation 397/09 made under the Employment Standards Act, 2000

O. Reg. 397/09: Termination And Severance Of Employment

Employment Standards Act, 2000

regulation filed October 23, 2009

Ontario Regulation 398/09 made under the Employment Standards Act, 2000

O. Reg. 398/09: Terms And Conditions Of Employment In Defined Industries - Temporary Help Agency Industry

Employment Standards Act, 2000

regulation filed October 23, 2009