Ontario Regulation 74/10 made under the Land Registration Reform Act

O. Reg. 74/10: Automated System

Land Registration Reform Act

regulation filed March 22, 2010

Ontario Regulation 75/10 made under the Farm Products Marketing Act

O. Reg. 75/10: Grain (Grain Corn, Soybeans and Wheat) - Plan

Farm Products Marketing Act

regulation filed March 23, 2010

Ontario Regulation 76/10 made under the Farm Products Marketing Act

O. Reg. 76/10: Grapes for Processing - Plan

Farm Products Marketing Act

regulation filed March 23, 2010

Ontario Regulation 77/10 made under the Athletics Control Act

O. Reg. 77/10: Amount Of Tax

Athletics Control Act

regulation filed March 26, 2010

Ontario Regulation 78/10 made under the Athletics Control Act

O. Reg. 78/10: General

Athletics Control Act

regulation filed March 26, 2010