
In The Estate Of Michael Caesar deMalherbe, late of the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario, who died on November 3, 2009. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Bernie Grace is asked to contact the undersigned personal representative, on or before the 10 day of April, 2010.

Dated this 1st day of April, 2010
Allan Lumsden by his solicitor,
Kim Dullet
Borden Ladner Gerver LLP
100-Queen Street, Suite 1100
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1P 1J9
(143-P126) 16, 17, 18

Notice of Partnership Dissolution

Take Notice that the partnership between Laurie Maynard and Patricia Rodrigues, carrying on business under the name and style of Greenboro Physiotherapy and Massage Clinic at the address of 25 Tapiola Crescent, Ottawa, Ontario K1T 2J7, was permanently dissolved on March 31, 2010.

Contact: Laurie Maynard and Patricia Rodrigues
