Ontario Regulation 373/10 made under the Endangered Species Act, 2007

O. Reg. 373/10: Species at Risk in Ontario List

Endangered Species Act, 2007

regulation filed September 28, 2010

Ontario Regulation 374/10 made under the Education Act

O. Reg. 374/10: Supervised Alternative Learning And Other Excusals From Attendance At School

Education Act

regulation filed September 29, 2010

Ontario Regulation 375/10 made under the Environmental Protection Act

O. Reg. 375/10: Reporting Requirements - Sulphur Levels in Gasoline

Environmental Protection Act

regulation filed September 30, 2010

Ontario Regulation 376/10 made under the Social Housing Reform Act, 2000

O. Reg. 376/10: General

Social Housing Reform Act, 2000

regulation filed October 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 377/10 made under the Income Tax Act

O. Reg. 377/10: Revoking Various Regulations

Income Tax Act

regulation filed October 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 378/10 made under the Lightning Rods Act

O. Reg. 378/10: General

Lightning Rods Act

regulation filed October 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 379/10 made under the Ontario Works Act, 1997

O. Reg. 379/10: General

Ontario Works Act, 1997

regulation filed October 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 380/10 made under the Ontario Works Act, 1997

O. Reg. 380/10: Administration And Cost Sharing

Ontario Works Act, 1997

regulation filed October 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 381/10 made under the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

O. Reg. 381/10: General

Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

regulation filed October 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 382/10 made under the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

O. Reg. 382/10: Administration And Cost Sharing

Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

regulation filed October 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 383/10 made under the District Social Services Administration Boards Act

O. Reg. 383/10: General

District Social Services Administration Boards Act

regulation filed October 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 384/10 made under the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

O. Reg. 384/10: Assistance For Children With Severe Disabilities

Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997

regulation filed October 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 385/10 made under the Income Tax Act

O. Reg. 385/10: Equity in Education Tax Credit

Income Tax Act

regulation filed October 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 386/10 made under the Land Transfer Tax Act

O. Reg. 386/10: Exemption - Charity Reorganization

Land Transfer Tax Act

regulation filed October 1, 2010

Ontario Regulation 387/10 made under the Farm Products Grades And Sales Act

O. Reg. 387/10: Flue-Cured Tobacco

Farm Products Grades And Sales Act

regulation filed October 1, 2010