La Survivance-Voyage, compagnie d’assurance LS-Travel, Insurance Company

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 49 of the Insurance Act (Ontario), that La Survivance-Voyage, compagnie d’assurance / LS-Travel, Insurance Company, an Insurance Company with its Head office in Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada, is applying to the Superintendent / CEO of the Financial Services Commission of Ontario for an insurance licence authorizing the company to transact Accident, Sickness and Life classes of business in Dated at Ottawa this 29th day of March, 2011.

La Survivance-Voyage, compagnie d’assurance / LS-Travel, Insurance Company By its solicitors, Vincent Dagenais Gibson LLP/s.r.l.
600-325 Dalhousie Street Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7G2
(144-P126) 15, 16, 17, 18

Sero Sed Serio Inc.

Take Notice that the shareholder of Sero Sed Serio Inc. passed a Special Resolution on April 11, 2011 requiring the said Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario).

Dated April 15, 2011.

Eric C. Ostrander, President