Public Notice

The rules of procedure and the fees and costs related to applications for Private Bills are set out in the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly. Copies of the Standing Orders, and the guide “Procedures for Applying for Private Legislation”, may be obtained from the Legislative Assembly’s Internet site at or from:

Committees Branch
Room 1405, Whitney Block, Queen’s Park
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2
Telephone: 416-325-3500 (Collect calls will be accepted)

Applicants should note that consideration of applications for Private Bills that are received after the first day of September in any calendar year may be postponed until the first regular Session in the next following calendar year.

Deborah Deller,
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
(8699) T.F.N.

Notice Of Obligation

A paramount security interest has been created, verified and authenticated, against the estate of Dwight S Smith which demands proprietary interest and/or settlement immediately. Let any and all with superior claim against the estate of Dwight S Smith present themselves and proof of claim by registered mail within 30 days of the placement of this actual and constructive notice or forfeit all rights or claims toward said estate saeculi aevitatis reliquum sempiternum amplius.

Details of said obligation veiwable at:
to: Office of Executive Director
c/o 87 Gainsborough Avenue
St. Albert, Alberta
T8N 1Z5

Notice to Creditors

All claims against the estate of William (Ross) Creighton, late of the City of Mississauga, in Peel Region, who died on or about the 8th day of May, 2011, must be filed with the undersigned not later than the 30th day of September, 2011. Thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims then filed.

Dated this 2nd day of August, 2011. John A. Creighton, c/o and by his solicitors, Messrs. Legge & Legge, 800 – 65 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario, M4T 2Y3.
(144-P299) 33, 34, 35