1140756 Ontario Limited - Ontario Corporation No. 1140756

Take Notice Concerning Winding Up Of 1140756 Ontario Limited

Date of Incorporation: January 3, 1996

Liquidator: Levino Tittaferrante

Appointed: Date September 6, 2010.

Address 154 Ridgecrest Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7B 6C2.

This notice is filed under subsection 205(2) of the Business Corporations Act. A meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation pursuant to subsection 205(1) of the Act was held on September 20, 2010.

Pursuant to subsection 205(3) of the Business Corporations Act, on the expiration of three months after the date of filing of this notice, the Corporation is dissolved.

Dated at Thunder Bay, this 20th day of September, 2010.

Levino Tittaferrante


This Is Actual & Constructive Public Notice by grantor as owner and holder of all rights, titles, and interest with the non-negotiable instrument claim number # Rw 644-677-335 Ca that will have attached to it the following Private Reserved Numbers that will be used to refer to these Documents/Items filing numbers: Private Reserved Numbers Pgl-0001 through Pgl-99999. This is nunc pro tunc from the date of November 5, 1969 A.D. for All past, present, and future general deposits.

This Is Actual & Constructive Public Notice by grantor along with all attachments and proceeds therefrom, of establishment on All past, present, and future general deposits are fully claimed and the records are being held in a private, confidential manner and are proprietary.

If There Is Any Information Regarding This That Needs To Be Gleaned, Please Contact The Grantor At The Address Below:

Pierre G. Lefeuvre
6028 Culp St.
Niagara Falls, ON
L2G 2B7
By Grantor: Pierre Gabriel Lefeuvre


This Is Actual & Constructive Public Notice by grantor as owner and holder of all rights, titles, and interest with the non-negotiable instrument claim number Rw 418 767 346 Ca that will have attached to it the following Private Reserved Numbers that will be used to refer to these Documents/Items filing numbers: Private Reserved Numbers Ps-000 through Ps-99999. This is nunc pro tunc from the date of September 4, 1973 A.D. for All past, present, and future general deposits. Commencing with the following: Rw 418 767 346 Ca: Ps-000, Rw 418 767 346 Ca: Ps-001, Rw 418 767 346 Ca: Ps-002, RW 418 767 346 CA: PS-003, RW 418 767 346 CA: PS-004, RW 418 767 346 CA: PS-005. This Is Actual & Constructive Public Notice by grantor along with all attachments and proceeds therefrom, of establishment on All past, present, and future general deposits are fully claimed and the records are being held in a private, confidential manner and are proprietary. If There Is Any Information Regarding This That Needs To Be Gleaned, Please Contact The Grantor At The Following Address: Pritam Singh, Grantor, C/O 302 Fincham Avenue, Markham, Ontario, L3P 4E7. By Grantor: Pritam Singh.


This is to publicize that I, Trevor Shinner, Co-owner/Operator of Eye In The Sky Security Systems have not been operating, or have anything to execute in the operation of this business since November, 2011. I will not be held accountable for anything that may go in the wrong since November, 2011.



This Is Actual & Constructive Public Notice by grantor as owner and holder of all rights, titles, and interest with the non-negotiable instrument claim number # Rw 447 477 524 Ca that will have attached to it the following Private Reserved Numbers that will be used to refer to these Documents/Items filing numbers: Private Reserved Numbers Mjag-000 through Mjag-99999. This is nunc pro tunc from the date of February 1, 1978 A.D. for All past, present, and future general deposits. Commencing with the following: Rw 447 477 524 Ca Mjag-000, Rw 447 477 524 Ca Mjag-001, Rw 447 477 524 Cw Mjag-002, RW 447 477 524 CW MJAG-003.

This Is Actual & Constructive Public Notice by grantor along with all attachments and proceeds therefrom, of establishment on All past, present, and future general deposits are fully claimed and the records are being held in a private, confidential manner and are proprietary.

If There Is Any Information Regarding This That Needs To Be Gleaned, Please Contact The Grantor At The Address Below:

Micheal J. A. Gaboury
198 Burgar St.
Welland, ON
L3B 2T4
By Grantor: Micheal J.A. Gaboury