Pursuant to section 163(a) of the Co-operative Corporations Act, a majority vote of the board of directors of Dairyland Transport Co-operative was reached to dissolve the Co-operative at the general meeting held September 24, 2012. This Notice is published in accordance with section 164(1)(f) of the Co-operative Corporations Act.

June 7, 2013

The Board of Directors of
Dairyland Transport Co-operative

Notice To Creditors And Others

In The Matter Of The Estate Of Fred Warnock, also known as Fred Warnock, formally of #319- 53 Wellington Street, Port Hope, Ontario (August 1 to November 14, 2012), 17 Ralston Drive, Port Hope Ontario, Canada, (May 15 to August 1, 2012) and #315 -151 Queen Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada (until May 1, 2012), Deceased.

Notice Is Hereby Given that creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above-named deceased are hereby required to send full particulars of such claims to the Executor, Gary Hare, C/O 1834 Dunnett Crescent, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8N 2P5, before the 30th day of August, 2013, after which the Executor will distribute the said estate amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice.

Gary Hare,
Executor to the Estate of Fred Warnock, Deceased

Take Notice That: The Shareholders of Western District Orange Hall Company of Toronto, Limited at a duly constituted meeting of same held on May 29, 2013 at the County of Toronto Hall, 417 Kennedy Road, Toronto, ON M1K 2A9, resolved to voluntarily wind up the corporation.

Any shareholders of the same whose addresses are unknown should contact David J. Moll, O’Reilly, Moll & Forrest, 300 Main Street, Toronto, ON M4C 4X5

Dated at Toronto this 11th day of June, 2013

David Arthur Griffin,
Western District Orange Hall
Company of Toronto, Limited

Notice Of Winding-Up Resolution

2368529 Ontario Inc. (the “Corporation”)

Take Notice That the shareholder of the Corporation by special resolution in writing dated May 30, 2013, authorized the Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of section 193 of the Business Corporations Act (Ontario), and appointed any one officer of Dream Limited (now Dream Unlimited Corp.) to act as liquidator.

Dated June 7, 2013.

Mario Barrafato
Chief Financial Officer and Corporate Secretary
c/o Dream Unlimited Corp.
30 Adelaide Street East
Suite 1600, State Street Financial Centre
Toronto, Ontario M5C 3H1