Royal Assent

The Province Of Ontario

Toronto, Thursday, June 13, 2013, 1:05 p.m.

In the name of Her Majesty the Queen, His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, assented to the following bills in his office:-

Bill 65
An Act to implement Budget measures and to enact and amend various Acts.
[S.O. 2013, Chapter 2]

Bill Pr5
An Act to revive Terra Paving Inc.
[S.O. 2013, Chapter Pr1]

Bill Pr8
An Act respecting The Beechwood Cemetery Company.
[S.O. 2013, Chapter Pr2]

Bill Pr10
An Act to revive Marsh & Co. Hospitality Realty Inc.
[S.O. 2013, Chapter Pr3]

Bill Pr11
An Act respecting The Royal Conservatory of Music.
[S.O. 2013, Chapter Pr4]

Bill Pr12
An Act to revive Universal Health Consulting Inc.
[S.O. 2013, Chapter Pr5]

Bill Pr13
An Act to amalgamate The Sisters of St. Joseph of Hamilton, The Sisters of St. Joseph of the Diocese of London, in Ontario, The Sisters of St. Joseph of the Diocese of Peterborough in Ontario and Sisters of St. Joseph for the Diocese of Pembroke in Canada.
[S.O. 2013, Chapter Pr6]

Bill Pr14
An Act to revive Aspen Drywall Inc.
[S.O. 2013, Chapter Pr7]

Bill Pr17
An Act to revive Triple “D” Holdings Ltd.
[S.O. 2013, Chapter Pr8]

Deborah Deller
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly