Dzurka Holdings Limited Ontario Corporation No. 1188639

Take Notice Concerning Winding Up Of Dzurka Holdings Limited, Date of Incorporation: September 12, 1996, Liquidator: Levino Tittaferrante, Address 154 Ridgecrest Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Postal Code P7B 6C2, Appointed: Date October 2, 2013.

This notice is filed under subsection 205(2) of the Business Corporations Act. A meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation pursuant to subsection 205(1) of the Act was held on October 31, 2013.

Pursuant to subsection 205(3) of the Business Corporations Act, on the expiration of three months after the date of filing of this notice, the Corporation is dissolved.

Dated at Thunder Bay, this 31st day of October, 2013.

Levino Tittaferrante

Notice Is Hereby Given

That, Pursuant to Section 163(b) of the Co-operative Corporations Act of Ontario, each member of the St. Jacobs Artificial Breeding Co-Operative Inc. has consented to the dissolution of the aforesaid co-operative. This notice is published herein pursuant to section 164(1)(f) of the Co-operative corporations Act of Ontario.

Dated at Kitchener, this 2nd day of December, 2013.


Kintyre Co‑Operative Development Corporation

Take Notice that the members of Kintyre Co-operative Development Corporation (Ontario Corporation No. 1416262) passed a members’ resolution on October23, 2013 requiring the said Corporation to voluntarily dissolve under Section 164 of the Co‑operative Corporations Act (Ontario).

Dated: December5, 2013

Vicenta Blake,