Notice Of Intention To Dissolve

Pursuant to Section 163(a) of the Co-operative Corporations Act of Ontario a majority of the votes cast at a general meeting of the members of Forest Ecosystem Science Co-operative Inc. held on December 8, 2014, authorized the dissolution of the aforesaid co-operative. This notice is published herein pursuant to section 164(1)(f) of the Co-operative corporations Act of Ontario.

Dated at Thunder Bay, Ontario this 8th day of December, 2014.

Steve Watson
Forest Ecosystem Science Co-Operative Inc.

Dissolution Notice

Be Advised That Monsignor Feeney Foundation for Catholic Schools met in a special meeting called for the purpose of a vote to dissolve the corporation, and the corporation did vote to dissolve by resolution dated December 9, 2014.

Be further advised that the corporation appointed Sandra Stevens, Linda Steel, Debbie Rosebrugh, Mike Williams, Nora Groshok, Tom McInerney and Fr. Mark Poulin as liquidators.

If you have any business with the winding up of Monsignor Feeney Foundation for Catholic Schools, please contact Linda Steel, Vice Chair, at 519-681-0535.
